Christie Golden Laid Off

True, but also trying to claim that Christie Golden was a particularly bad egg in an otherwise good bunch is cope.

She’s written a lot of books of varying quality over a long period of time. I wouldn’t say she’s done anything I find to be so egregiously bad that I wanted her gone.

Here’s the thing about the Warcraft narrative, there is not a writer on this planet who could take the place Golden was in and actually satisfy the fanbase. You people cannot be pleased, and I sincerely mean that.

Not saying Golden was some particularly gifted writer or a talent that could never be replaced, but whoever takes her place will probably just as quickly gain the ire that she seems to have.


They can listen to valid criticisms from the community, about how the Horde isn’t featured in the Cosmic narrative, about how anduin is too much of a main character, etc, all of which Golden contributed to. You just made up that the fans will never be happy because you support the status quo.


God I love how these two statements conflict.

No, I don’t support the status quo. The opposite, actually. I think this game’s story should be running as far away from tradition as possible, I think clinging onto the past and redoing the same old stories over and over is precisely what this game’s narrative problem is.

I want them to experiment, to finally move forward instead of obsessing over old characters and old conflicts.

You want a story that focuses solely on the Horde? Fine, I guess. That’s lame, but you do you. I get it you just want the same droll slop spoon fed down your throat over and over. You’re boring, and want the same recycled storylines.

Both you and this community rarely ever produce valid criticism. If the writers listened to the community everything that has ever made Warcraft great would be sapped away overnight.

You people are boring.


So instead of being clueless you’re actively just malicious to this person you don’t know.

Got it.

It’s conspiracy to believe she’s somehow a negative force hellbent on destroying the story.

As if she has any massive power over it.

Learn to read next time.

You’ve already done that for me.

Either incompetent, stupid, or a liar.

I’m betting on all three at this point.

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They literally don’t. The Horde not being featured in the cosmic narrative is the status quo, it’s bad, and you later confirmed you had no problem with it.

Then you should be against how Anduin seems to be WoW’s main character and moral authority now, which they’ve been doing for a long time.

Another thing you made up, since what I want is simply more Horde themes, like thrall having any bit of relevance in the War Within.

No, this is a two-faction game, and should feature Horde themes equally, and the story has a bunch of other issues as well that the community has pointed out for years.


And this mentality is why anything you say is worthless.


Cause God forbid a two faction game have BOTH factions involved in the story.


God forbid we drop this faction system entirely and stop caring.

Say stuff like ‘Horde themes’ as if that actually means anything beyond aesthetic.


You know I always find people who make this complaint very funny. Those who obsess over the team sports red team aspect have this very exclusionary view on this.

A horde story is only a horde story if it is pure, if it is free from the taint of the dreaded blue team or from outside neutral influences. It’s a very defeatist mindset, almost like you just want a reason to complain.

For me personally, I essentially never think about red team or blue team when doing any of WoW’s content. I find it to be one of the worst aspects of the MMO, and to be extremely forced. I don’t look at a character and think of them as red team character or blue team character, I couldn’t care less. But see, you people see a person of the wrong race involved in your storyline and write it off. You set yourself up for failure, and you fail. There’s no surprise here.

If I had my way every character currently in the cast would die off and we’d start all over.

Horde themes. Really creative process you’ve got there. “Boy I hope Orc man do thing I like Orcs” shut up why should I care?

No. I don’t care about the factions, I do not care about arbitrary quotas for red team and blue team races. It’s a limiter to creativity.


And that means just accepting Brann, Alleria, Anduin, or w/e taking the spotlight, while neglecting all Horde lore.

It means characters, lore, and yes, aesthetics which are not a minor thing.


No. It doesn’t. That’s a blatantly silly statement.

Why does everything have to be a balancing game.

Also, what do you mean that Horde has no part in the ‘cosmic narrative.’ Aren’t Belves literally in the forefront of it?

Or do they not count, suddenly.

Hrm… maybe, just maybe, you’re not talking about ‘Horde’ here and more a general statement for ‘Orcs, Trolls, Undead & Tauren.’

Not sure if you realize, but thinking of ‘Horde lore’ or ‘Horde themes’ is such a general thing, that overlooking those races constantly happens because they’re written-off as already represented because Belves are being represented. I mean, they’re both part of the Horde, so why should it matter right?

See how the faction system here actually hurts what you want to see?

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Your ridiculous strawman about how people like me don’t want to see any alliance characters couldn’t be further from the truty, when we’re literally just asking, for like, anything associated wklith the Horde to play a major role in the story. Again, there’s no sign of Thrall in war War Witin so far. The Earthen Ring is absent from dragonflight when it would’ve been the perfect time. “Neutral” characters are almost all-alliance leaning.

All we want is parity. But some Alliance mains like you cannot see that, gain, “neutral” content in this game is mostly alliance-related.

Then stop defending Golden.

Because any decent writer knoes that half of your races and themes shouldn’t be ignored.



it’s almost like lumping a bunch of races arbitrarily into this gridlocked red team blue team system is actively harmful to the individual flavor of each of these races.

It’s almost like we can’t give different races their individual times to be explored because of “factions” when literally who cares?

You mean they’ll featured in Midnight, after not being in War Within at all, and presumably not very much in Last Titan where all the Elven groups will unite, and Silvermoon will become a neutral capital? Lol.

I didn’t know Belves had any assosciation with the Titans, had an affinity with the Void, or anything nature-related.

Lmao. You just admitted that the original four Horde races are completely overlooked. Lmao. And according to you, it’s also because of the meager amount of representation blood elves have. You just proved my point. There’s zero reason for further discussion here.


Long hair don’t care I don’t want parity. I do not care about red races vs. blue races. Genuinely, I think it’s the most shallow and meaningless distinction one could make. At least be more specific and talk more about what you want Thrall to do. Which, hey, guess what? He is going to do things in TWW. Now I get it, I know. Your brain isn’t very well developed and thinking long term isn’t quite there yet, but I assure you, he will be there in some capacity throughout the expansions. He will have a role to play.

No. People calling her some especially egregious case of this are stupid. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Again, I know the whole long term thinking thing hasn’t quite developed yet, but give it time. Dragonflight was about… and I know this will be shocking to you, Dragons. The patch about the Emerald Dream involved new lore and locations for Night Elves. TWW will include a lot of lore, I assume, about the new Earthen race, probably Nerubians and the new Human society. Midnight will focus on the Thalassian Elves. Now, I know, it’s very hard to comprehend this, but races will get attention based on the theme of the current patch.

Groundbreaking, I know.

This is kinda that defeatist mentality shining through again.

Can’t be neutral, can’t incorporate Alliance at all or it’s specifically ‘Alliance-themed’…
Whatever that means.

Your idea of the Horde here requires it to be the focus alone or it isn’t ‘Horde representation.’

This has nothing to do with why people were ‘defending’ Golden.

Hell, never even said I liked or disliked her writing.

I only ever argued, and many people did also, that celebrating her getting laid off is bad and dumb.

You don’t even know what TWW’s story is yet.

You’re actually incapable of thinking, it’s amazing to behold.

And somehow Horde players are supposed to listen to you, knowing how neglected they are?

Great, they could’ve made the Black Dragonflight more Horde-leaning, or used the Earthen Ring, like I said.

Lmfao, you just admittied that the Emerald Dream, which is where all Azerothian Wild gods reside, only has a real connection to one Alliance race. And you act like this is something everyone is fine with.

Also, you’re wrong and have no creativity. Trolls could’ve easuly been invovled there. Gonk taught Troll druids Druidism, from the Emerald Dream.

Two out of these are Alliance themes lol. And they could still add more Horde themes to the patches regardless. One idea I heard was an underground troll society that rides dinosaurs.

The theme is decided by the writers, who favor Alliance-related lore. It’s not a commandment dictated from on high that they need to focus on specific Alliance-related themes for most patches since at least SL. Not to mention thinking of Horde content to add regardless of the overall theme. is still not difficult if you use your brain.


They wouldn’t feel so neglected if they could learn to finally let go of this childish delusion that faction is a meaningful thing. It isn’t. Stop caring.

Instead in the patch that focused on the black dragonflight they focused solely on Draconic themes. The legacy of Deathwing, Wrathion, Sabellian, a new black aspect being declared. A storyline that, in my opinion, went over fairly well and had very few problems.

I’m sorry that you feel entitled that the Earthen Ring have screentime. But they don’t need to be. There’s no need to bloat a perfectly fine storyline that, mind you, is entirely focused on the dragons.

Yes you can tell me things I already know but the point still stands. Why bloat the story? The Horde were already there, the Undead were represented as a force there to assist. Just because you don’t like it and they aren’t the main focus doesn’t make them not real.

But yes lets bloat up that whole messy story with a bunch of Trolls needing to take the focal point.

Earthen are neutral. Sorry if you disagree, but it’s true. You’re wrong again.

Ugh don’t you see how boring this is? Like I seriously cannot comprehend how you care.