Christie Golden Laid Off

Expressing emotions over a loved one dying of cancer and losing your job is not childish.
ffs what is this conversation


Again saying that someone who made a personal statement on twitter, that I don’t think you even read, is a manipulation tactic is supremely ignorant.

Go read the post, please. Stop making yourself look like an idiot.


WoW. That’s very sad. I hope Christie Golden is doing ok in life after what happened to her nephew.


Damn bro.

You’re so badass.

I’m sure your emotions didn’t influence you to say that at all.


He’s so cool. I wish I could be like him.

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I hope so (on the commissions part) — I rather liked a handful of her books. :slight_smile:

Personally I was hoping they’d portray Baine in-game to how he was in the books – a sassy beast, not to be trifled with … In-game however, he’s pathetic, useless and thanks to Shadowlands – Doesn’t even have spiritual potential :unamused: … Man Shadowlands bungled up everything, eh? lol

Anyway – Hopefully she’s able to cope well with the job loss & the loss of her nephew :pleading_face:


In the post she expressed some wishes to further work with Blizzard in the future, so it isn’t out of the question. We’ll see, though.


That’s good at least. :blush:

My guy, WoW is a video game. It comes before no ones life. Priorities.


I have mixed feelings about her contribution to the story. (I like “Rise of the Horde”, didn’t think as much about how she wrote for Anduin)

But my heart goes out to her for her personal loss.


I do understand your point. Unemployment bad. As someone who has been unemployed since November and have been fired from two jobs I understand this.

She’s straight up said what exactly she’s contributed to. It’s not conspiracy.

Nah, you care a lot.

Tell that to the Horde fans on this forum.

Yes she did.

It’s not a delusion, she’s said what she’s done and I don’t like what those things are.

Prove I’m lying.


Condolences for her loss.

But also good bye and good riddance.


Man, I WISH the creative vision of one person was allowed to dominate the writing of WoW like people in this thread seem to think it does, it might actually be more interesting than what we usually get.


microsoft is gonna run this game to the dirt
imagine thinking the creators of windows 11 were going to be good for wow

they laid off support team too because microsoft already has one thats the rumor I heard

enjoy your indian overseas customer support that barely speak english. thats what I got when I last called microsoft.
screw microsoft i bought a mac
linux wow when


It did, and it wasn’t.


I don’t know how you can genuinely believe this franchises narrative has been mostly controlled by a single individual since its come into a recognizable form.

Warcraft 1 and Warcraft 2 had most of their story in a manual, so its easy to imagine individual writers having a lot of contribution for the relatively small amount of lore we get in those games.

Warcraft 3 and beyond was certainly the work of many people. World of Warcraft especially has been heavily left to corporate oversight, many chefs in a singular proverbial kitchen. No one person truly has that much control.


Really? I think if anything we’ve lost one of the few remaining bulwarks against this crap.

100% this.

Be a better person Aoi. You’re not criticizing the Warcraft narrative by celebrating the fact that she was fired months ago.

What fresh hell opinion is this. Seriously? Making the accusation that she’s using the death of her Nephew to shield herself from criticism? Man, that’s disgusting. Be a better human.


It’s totally false that Christie Golden had zero negative impact on the story, or she has no choice whatsoever in anything she writes, because every single sentence she writes is dictateted by Blizzard. Christie has a specific writint style that many who read her works can detect. And the Sylvanas novel, don’t get me started.


Stock buybacks don’t pay for themselves you know!

Honestly I should set a news alert for Activision or Blizzard stock buy backs. Guaranteed these people were fired to enrich major shareholders.