Christie Golden Laid Off

And how often has that been portrayed for them in WoW’s history?
Don’t reply.
The question is rhetorical.


No I’ll go ahead and reply thanks for your concern, though.


There’s literally concept art from the beginning of WoW with “noble savage” written over some of the Orcs.

The vibe around Thrall has always been this white savior kind of thing. The Orc raised by Humans who would take their ideas and use them to civilize the savage. This has always been a thing.

But hey, not all of us are very good at spotting these things. You’ll be able to see it one day champ.

I went to google the elite orcs that got turned into the SS, but I can’t remember their actual names because their whole purpose was supplanted with being the SS and that’s just what I call them now.

Let me state that again.

The Horde’s rendition of the 7th Legion were just evil orcish racists that wanted to kill the rest of the Horde.

Edit: Kor’kron.

Their name is Kor’kron.

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Yeah you can go on to post some nonsense about the Kor’kron they have nothing to do with the noble savage trope. I know you really want to have a different argument, but that isn’t what we’re talking about.

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… lmao.

They’re orcs.

You stated orcs have been unable to escape the “”“noble savage”“” trope (which is racist in and of itself.)

I like arguing with you. You forget what you yourself post all the time. It’s hilarious.

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He’s saying it’s a racist trope that taints the image of Orcs.

How are you unable to understand that.

Notice how he said ‘the majority’ and not the entirety of the Horde?

The Orcs, conceptually, were made to fit the noble savage trope.
That’s literally their whole thing.

Every Horde ‘tribal’ race is based off of old outdated tropes that are largely racist.

Even people like Erevien understand this, and want it changed or otherwise shifted away from.

How can you not see that.
How are you literally always wrong.
It’s amazing.

Oh so you’re just an idiot. Got it. You don’t even know what you’re arguing about.

But yes Orcs especially have always been tainted by the writers continually putting the noble savage trope onto them. It’s a big part of why they are the way they’re written. If you think that’s “racist” to say then Ig I’m racist. Bc I’ll keep saying it.

That would be because he did deserve to get punched, given his actions lead to the death of Anduin’s father and countless others. Particularly walking in like he did nothing wrong.

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The poster boys for what orcs would want to be when they grow up got turned into villains.
Golden believes to be Orc is to be evil.
The developers that surround her in the interview all nod in agreement as she states it.


You’re just a legitimate moron.

She explained that Garrosh, from growing up in the unique circumstances that he did, had a skewed and toxic understanding of how an Orc should be an act.

And because of that he turned into a supremacist.

That’s it.

This doesn’t mean anything for how Orcs act in general.
This doesn’t ever mean that Christie believes Orcs are inherently evil.
Clearly from all she has written on them, it’s been the opposite.

Writing this shows that she knows that Orcs can be good, just like any other race.
But Garrosh specifically had a toxic view and understanding of them that painted his future actions.

You are actually such a lobotomite it’s incredible.

I sincerely cannot believe you actually think this.
You have to be being dishonest here, because how could anyone sit through her explanation, know her previous writings about the Horde and Orcs, and say this.

Gain some media literacy already.

What I said, again, had nothing to do with how heroic or villanous the Orcs are. Again, you really want to have a different conversation than the one I started. But I get it, couldn’t argue with me on what I was actually talking about.

Lord of the castle over here had to retreat from the lowland and construct a fortress to hide in.

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She also explained that Thrall was good because he was raised human.
So that, complimented with “Garrosh was evil because he wanted to be the orciest orc” paints a picture that you cannot be too dumb to see, you’re just lying per normal.

He’s only indirectly responsible for all of that, due to a chain of events, not shown in-game, that Golden herself wrote

Blizzard has tried to turn Wrathion-punching into a meme. They tried putting it into a 10.1.5 PTR quest. The issue isn’t whether Wrathion did bad things in-universe, but rather why Blizzard turns punching one of their major PoC-coded characters into a joke, especially when she herself wrote it, again.

Wrathion added fuel to the fire in MoP trying ton get Varian and Garrosh’s armies to kill eachother so that one king would rule the world, what are you on about?

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Well, lets look exactly at what she said here:

“He was not being very well treated. So, I got to introduce a character named Taretha Foxton. It was a chance to interject something a little different from the much more drums and fighting and battle and clashing of swords. There was, dare I say, a human element, but we all know what I mean by that… …of kindness and self-sacrifice and connections that shouldn’t be able to be formed but are because everyone is willing to go the extra mile.”

So, because you have the cognitive ability of a five year old lets actually walk you through this.

Before you get your undies in a bunch, we both know that when she refers to ‘a human element’ she’s not literally referring to humans in WoW, but like… a general sense of humanity as it is understood IRL. That’s why they laugh and she says ‘you know what I mean’ after she says that.

What she learns from Taretha isn’t how to be good, it was to show him that it’s possible to have positive connections with people, whereas in contrast everyone else in his life treated him poorly.

You understand the difference there?
This has nothing to do with her ‘teaching Thrall how to be good because Orcs are inherently evil’, it was about teaching Thrall that he can have positive relationships with people.

Thrall, as a slave who only ever really interacts with his literal slavemaster. Learns about things like kindness and self-sacrifice from this one person who wasn’t pure evil.

This has nothing to do with the general nature of Orcs, she never even mentions Orcs in general here, she doesn’t even mention Orcish culture. She’s talking specifically about Thrall.

This is strengthened by how they give a first-hand example of what they meant by taking a passage out of the book, which was when Teretha hugged Thrall.
They mentioned how this was the first time he was ever shown affection…

This has nothing to do with Orcs in general.
Get that through your tiny head.

So you’re basing this entirely on something you extrapolated from vague subliminal ‘evidence’?

No man.
That’s not what she meant.

It’s wild how every argument you have just ends up with someone repeating the same thing to you over and over and you’re still unable to realize that you’re wrong.

Everyone can be repeating the same thing over and over to you but then you’ll move the goalpost, use weird vague terminology, or change the subject.

As you’ve done numerous times now.

Just admit you’re wrong.

But again, besides the point.
Interesting how you jumped to arguing with me about the Orcs being inherently villainous thing instead of continuing your previous argument.

Not lying.
You’re just too stupid to listen to anyone but yourself.


He realized he didn’t even know what I was talking about so he had to jump onto something easier like “well writer say Orcs BAD actually!”


This human element that Garrosh did not have, did not aspire to, and thought was weak because it wasn’t orcish, you mean?
Throughout WotLK, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, and finally Warlords of Draenor?

It’s like you’re incapable of recognizing any content but what you’re directly observing.


You’re so stupid.

She literally explains that Garrosh’s ‘orcist orc’ thing wasn’t real to how Orcs actually act.

It was Garrosh’s twisted perception of how Orcs act because of his own insecurities.

It has nothing to do with actual Orcs, just Garrosh’s twisted perception.

I know this is hard for you, Christie Golden, although she writes Warcraft books which are meant for manbabies with a third-grade reading level, is just a better writer than you are and understands character writing better than you do.

End it.

That’s literally what you’re doing.

Right now.

And you know that because I just proved you wrong on the Thrall thing and you dropped it entirely and now want to argue the Garrosh thing again.

Even though you’re wrong on that too.

I’m sure she did this and this is not dishonest framing at all.

I told you what the actual problem surrounding the Orcs is, you just don’t want to accept it.