Christie Golden Laid Off

sure but is it to hard to ask them to be consistent? Not have characters do 180 every other expansion.


Oh, I agree there. It is a symptom of how they historically have treated every expansion as a self contained thing that weakly interacts with other expansions at best. They come across as stories from alternate timelines than one coherent one at times.


At least they got rid of Afrasiabi.

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Golden did a pseudo Q&A and she confirmed something I always kinda suspected. She created Kinndy, Saphonetta and Grizzek. I mean these three characters were beloved enough they actually got added in the game.

Side note: if people wanted to they could probably just ask her some stuff.


They could, but she likely wouldn’t be able to answer a lot due to NDAs.

Given her access to World of Warcraft, she likely has a lot of knowledge about the game and its future, so she was probably required to sign one before her termination so she couldn’t ‘spill the beans’ about the War Within, Midnight or the Last Titan.

Some of her earlier stuff was pretty good; I really liked Rise of the Horde at the time though iirc a lot of it did get retconned. Her writing was a total mixed bag but I think it’s fair to say that while WoW’s writing was never super deep, it’s gotten a lot less engaging in recent years. It’s never something to celebrate someone losing their job like that, especially around the death of a family member.

It’s also too soon to go “sweet, she’s gone because she wrote something I really didn’t like” because there’s no guarantee whomever fills that vacancy is going to do a better job.

Hire J.K.Rowling.

She could fix the sorry state WoW is in.

While I like your idea, I think Rowling has expressed too much of what the current regime calls wrongthink for Blizzard to hire her.


Nah rowling’s a bigot, Blizzard isn’t going to hire an open bigot right after having to fire multiple sex pests.


That couple really irritated me.

It seemed like they were throwing the Horde under the bus. Oh, an interracial/factional couple won’t survive in the Horde, but they will be OK in the Alliance.

It was a lead up to BfA for sure. The Horde just being portrayed as evil.

When I read that book, those characters annoyed me, because they seemed like a blatant attempt to rub salt in the wounds of Horde fans. Their appearances seemed like little vignettes barely involved with the larger plot. You could remove them entirely, and the story would largely be the same. They were extraneous.


Yeah, I’m sure Christie wrote that to specifically anger you and every other terminally brainrotten faction-thumper.

Makes perfect sense.

They’re neat little side characters that showed us something we’ve yet to really see before.

Dunno, seemed neat.

I am sad for her personal loss but I will not be sad for her awful biased writing style where it was all about Baine which I am 100% sick of by now.

To be orc is to be evil.


Claiming she ain’t biased when she hates Orcs and loves Tauren. Peak comedy.

This was about Garrosh having a corrupted idea of what it means to be an ‘Orc’ which lead into his ideas of Orcish supremacy and needing to act a particular way as a leader.

Nothing here about Orcs being inherently evil, as much as you want that to be the case.

Maybe play Warhammer instead if you want that?

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Before you said all she liked was Anduin and Alleria and could only write human and elves.

Even though historically she’s the one who wrote Lord of the Clans, the book which establishes the fundamentals of ‘good orcs’ in WoW…

And now you claim that she likes Tauren…

Make up your mind.

The one last Orc leader the green bois have is Thrall who was raised by humans and made his own people suffer. Tells you all you need to know how much worth her opinion actually is. Less then nothing. I am glad she was fired really.

I agree, but of course, Before the Storm seems to have been written under instructions to set up Sylvanas as a Garrosh-style ultimate Big Bad. Probably coming from Afrasiabi, I’d speculate.


That was Metzen who came up with that story.

Christie was the one who actually fleshed out their culture and values in the book.

Not sure why you blame Christie specifically for this.

If you can’t me a real Orc who was raised on their own world in their own culture I don’t want it. Simple as that. Thrall should step on a lego and never recover from the pain.