Christie Golden Laid Off

Jaina sucks anyway. How anyone tolerates her is beyond me.


I want consistency most of all and not to them drop the established plot point 5 minutes after it got revisited. Evil Horde? Works if you don’t make have the faction instantly start a rebellion when the warchief has actually a solid point why to wage the war in WARcraft and just turn it MOP but worse.

He doesn’t actually like the Horde at all. He says he liked the Horde back when they were blatant evil spawns of the devil but also says that making the Horde villains is bad.

He hates the Horde. He’s just in too deep to change teams now. He secretly wishes to be an Alliance die hard.


Sylvanas did not have a reason to wage war. It acknowledged later that it was all a ploy to further her own personal ends. Please stop pretending like you know anything.

Repeat after me.
The Horde
doe NOT
the neutral story.

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Neither the Alliance nor the Horde should exist as a driving force in the story period. It’s overdone, the past has gone, your wants are rooted over a decade ago and it’s time to move on.

The Horde and Alliance aren’t that interesting, and they haven’t been since Warcraft 3. It’s time to move on.

Don’t worry people factions surley don’t matter!

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They don’t. They’re lame. They’re overdone. It’s over. Caring in this day and age is ridiculous.

They don’t. Everyone but a few horde faction die hards have moved on from caring about the factions as a whole. The rest of us have specific races we enjoy and want to see more of in the story

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Alleria is alliance. Alleria is not neutral. Alleria wants the Horde to suffer and make the blood elves quit.

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Alleria is a terrible bland character concept. So what’s your point again?


She is the protagonist of the World Soul saga. This story is connected mind you.

And she’ll likely be just as boring here as she was in legion. I’m here for my bae Xala’tath

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Both of these are true and likely for the same reasons… she’s basically an anime protag…


There’s two dimensional anime characters with better concepts than Alleria and half the alliance leadership. Genn at least still acts like a human with human emotions you can relate to. Velen is the wise old man everyone wishes they knew.

The rest? Good god are they terrible and boring.


What an embarrassing thing to say. I do hope you quit though voices like yours aren’t needed.

Since the bot infested, misinformation haven, Elon Musk owned, source of most toxicity on the internet known as X (or Twitter) has been brought up, lets do a fun experiment:
-Go to Youtube
-Type in “why twitter is so bad”
-Scroll down and simply look at the first 10 titles
-Now to avoid bias, type in “why twitter is so good”
-Scroll down and simply look at the first 10 titles

Now you could ask me/ tell me why the results are the same, or you could ask/tell yourself that, see what your answer is.

I already run WoW on Linux, runs great.

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RIP her nephew.

Wow story has been trashy since wod, it hasn’t been getting better. I wouldn’t mind if they cleaned house. Maybe go back and get people who worked on wc3.


Writing a story for a Strategy Game, and for a MMORPG are very different beasts. It takes different skill sets to write for a medium that has to be released like this than it does for a game where everything is pretty much bundled in one package.

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