Christie Golden Laid Off

I did not. All I said was “This is the same language they use.” I didn’t say you were anti-LGBT. I simply implied that the language sounds bad, especially since Horde are Poc-based.

WoD’s story wasn’t bad though? There just wasn’t enough of it.

Again, I never said I was against more representation. I am against the artificial complaints that people like erevien spout.

I just want a good story. Didn’t know that’s such a horrible concept for some people


No, it was pretty awful. Like the storylines in WoD were forgettable at best. None of the characters stood out as memorable. None of the zones were very well put together, none of the raids had memorable villains to defeat, even the end boss was Archimonde out of nowhere.

Warlords plot-wise was a low point for the franchise that made better in Legion but took a steep nose-dive again once BfA went into full swing.

The story:

It sucks erevien. Don’t know how many times I need to repeat myself

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You’ve been saying from the start here that getting more Horde rep isn’t important. I’m not repeating myself further.

We’ll have to disagree there too. I loved Draenor as a setting and revisiting it is one of my top desires.

Please do. Because you keep trying to twist things that were never said.



Like, I know I come off like a bulldog sometimes when I’m protecting my friends but it honestly seemed like with his comments (and the ones he made to me yesterday in this thread about supporting story beats aka Teldrassil) that he was just looking for a fight.

If he goes looking for a fight he’ll find one.


It’s more annoying than anything. Like one of those small flies that keeps dive bombing you when your swimming. :rofl: :dracthyr_nod:


I am just as interested in this videogame story as anyone else.

But I think it is important to remember tgis is a videogame story, this has no real ppwer in your life and the world is much more than this.


If Yrel is evil this time I am fully on Board. Mag’har deserve better then being ignored while sewing away in Orgrimmar.


Now that’s something I can get behind. :dracthyr_nod:

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Evil Yrel was a mistake, she was so cool.

She started off cool. But once blizz made her a zealot, my distaste for her grew. Which is a shame really

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I jus thope they don’t do that with every paladin remaining or priest.

Like, people have been wanting the Turalyon heel turn since bfa and I’m glad it has not been the case.

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Me either. I only think blizz threw Yrel under the bus is because they needed a reason for the AU Mag’har to join the horde. :dracthyr_nod:

So was making every non Thrall Orc leader evil but the Horde fandom is still subbed for unknown reasons to all sane people.

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Not every horde fan thinks like you or the others here. Most people actually play both factions and have no particular loyalty to either side.

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I have no reason to care about Jaina and Alleria since they both tried to wipe out the Horde multiple times.

I thought you liked the wc2 horde…
You make no sense.