Christie Golden Laid Off

Jesus christ that was a leap lol

All you said was you want a good story.


My favorite alliance leaders aren’t the spotlight. Greymane and Velen are certaintly no where to be found. Jaina sucks, Turalyon is the most boring white dude paladin on the planet, Alleria is entertaining but bland. Varessa is a terrible character.

Do I need to go on?


Talk about forgetting to slam on the breaks and riding off the side of a cliff :dracthyr_nod:


So… you’re don’t even like these characters, and you’re fine with them being shoved in everyone’s face?

I didn’t say that either. Do you even read before posting?






What part of that are you seriously struggling with?

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It must be a slow day for him on twitter if he’s picking a fight with you. He’ll bring screenshots back to his followers and twist the narrative.

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…You do realize that every story shoves characters in peoples faces, right?

And essentially always the important ones are boring. There were actually some characters I thoroughly enjoyed in WoW, they just aren’t the main ones.

The SI:7 team in Jade Forest alliance side, Chen Stormstout in Valley of the Four Winds, Bwonsamdi through Zandalar, Flynn Fairwind through Kul Tiras, the caravan trio in Eastern Plaguelands, basically every little interaction with the Goblins through the Goblin starting experience, hell even bravo company in Redridge are a lot of fun.

Blizzard knows how to write somewhat fun and engaging side characters who take the stage for a little while. It’s just… God their main characters are dull and boring.

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Vanessa? Vancleef?

Miss two seconds of screentime Vanessa?

She’s the BEST Alliance character.

He already does that as it is. Which is fine, because twitter is the last thing I take seriously.


Varessa. Whoever the other psycho murder Windrunner sister is :dracthyr_nod: :rofl:


Hahaha Vereesa lol


And the context of you saying it was when people asked for Horde representation. The implication is that Blizzard doesn’t need to worry about Horde representation and should only focus on telling a good story. This is the same language used by the people I mentioned earlier.

Please tell me where I said blizz doesn’t need to worry about that. I simply said I want a good story.

Stop trying to twist my words

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You’re comparing faction-specific storylines having characters of that faction everywhere, to neutral storylines having predominantly Alliance-characters. Speaking of which, why DON’T we have more faction-specific questlines. Everything’s neutral nowadays.

There’s a good old idiom, "when you assume, you make an ‘a–’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’ " it applies here.

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Right here

Nothing you posted here is on Twitter.

My point still stands. Have the entire horde leadership the face of the franchise for the next 60 expansions for all I care.

I just want a good story and my fav races blue side to ocassionally show up and do cool stuff.

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Well firstly I don’t think Jade Forest alliance side, Kezan, Zandalar or Kul Tiras are neutral. But nice try.

But also GOOD. I do not WANT faction specific storylines going forward. Please stop them, they shouldn’t faction lock storylines. It’s stupid.

Doness why are you omitting the part where you falsely accused someone of being anti-LGBT in your tweet calling me a N@zi for standing up for my friend?

See you just proved my comment right. Tweet this.


I’m saying you’re comparing those to recent expansions, TWW, and the World Soul Saga.

More storylines is double the content and makes both sides happy with character rep.