Christie Golden Laid Off

Golden has written Horde characters just as she has written Alliance characters.

Dunno why you even think it’s her choice to write these characters as if, for the vast majority of her work at Blizzard, she wasn’t told what characters she needed to write for.

Then again, I would expect you of all people to understand that distinction. You seem to think at a 3rd grade level, and I don’t think reading retention really becomes a thing until the 4th grade.

I agree that my objections to Golden’s writing are based on style mostly. I mean, she really likes Andiun, but not, IMO, because he is leader of the Alliance. And, if you read Rise of the Horde, it shows the Orcs mostly as victims of the Burning Legion.

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I thought there was some Horde Bias atleast with the Heritage Armor Questchains.

Looks like I jinxed it, the first post I made got reported for “trolling”. Crybabies can’t handle that not everyone likes what they do. People on this forum are pathetic.


Yes and that is bad. She made Baine say Taurajo deserved to be wiped out and forced Calia onto Forsaken leadership. All Horde writin that was bad comes from her. So no I will not miss the stories she wrote for us since her involvement turned the faction into a bunch of powerless losers with no spine or agency.

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Still not the main plot. No one cares about the heritage armor.

No not all Horde writin that was bad comes from her.

The Horde has been written badly by everyone who has touched them. None of the writers have ever managed to really have nailed them down very well.

This will continue in the future, Golden or not.

“Taurajo was a legitemate military target.”
“I only started acting against evil when Sylvanas targets my good friend Jaina.”
“The Forsaken need Calia to feel hope.”
“Thrall is in TWW but only as background noise so no one can steal the thunder of great Alleria.”

yep not the bad stuff at all right?

Brother you need to learn to read better.

I said EVERY writer hasn’t done well with the Horde. I know you REALLY want to harp on how bad the BAD WRITER everyone currently hates is, but let me in on a secret: None of them have actually done a fantastic job.

I know where most problems come from and that is usually Calia, Baine and Thrall working together to hate on their own faction and ceding lands to alliance without need or struggle. Not to mention we are under powered and under represented.

See this is kinda what I mean when I say you don’t actually care about the Horde.

You only care about superficial things like “is my team winning this expac?” which like… who cares?? You don’t actually have any care about the races of the Horde in terms of narrative, aesthetic, themes, anything like that. You don’t like the Horde, you’re just here to try and play team sports. Which like, kinda sad man, you can go cheer for an actual sports team in the real world if you want that.


If the Horde doesn’t exist outside of being forced to larp as villain until a neutral bad guy shows up then the writing is objectivley bad.

tell me how many non human or elven faces do you see in here.

Only you and like three other people are actually obessed with that. It’s pure nonsense, nobody else cares. The rest of us just want a good story to enjoy

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Everyone on Twitter is talking about the blatant favoritism of Alliance characters.

This sounds a lot like arguments against lgbt representation.

You want them to be the bad guys. You want them to be all about blood and soil and conquest. Dude, people who obsess over things like that typically ARE NOT the good guys in stories.

You want them to be the villains, but paradoxically complain about them being the villains.

Make up your mind.

How you got that conclusion out of wanting a good story is truely beyond me an honestly quite baffling.

Can have an entire Horde cast for the next 30 expansions for all I care. Long as the story is enjoyable


Horde are mostly POC-based. Whether it’s people of color or lgbtqia+ people or any other minority, it’s always the same language: “Just give us a good story. We don’t need this pandering.”

Of course the ones who are already satisfied get the to decide a story’s good when they’re already in it.

I didn’t say I was satisfied. The story as it stands quite literally sucks. For both factions

I simply said I WANT a good story.


You are satisfied… with your Alliance faves in the spotlight.

Edit: Lol gotta, stop repeating myself, like I said.

Nobody really cares about this. The Alliance characters are boring, the Horde characters are boring. I don’t want to follow any of them. Like, they’re all basically the same anyhow Blizzard writes all of their important characters who aren’t evil as exactly the same.

Red, blue, it’s gonna be a snoozefest either way.