Christie Golden Laid Off

For the player that “central conflict” was the choice between a bonus scene with Sylvannas or a toy. That was literally the only difference in the path you were supposed to choose.


That is also partially to blame to the structure of this old MMO, Warcraft RTS didn’t have this problem at all, narrative was a thousand times better back then

Those are the complaints for people who didn’t like thier dirt and sweat smelling cape.

That cutscene was amazing it confimed my ship and set up the story for the next expansion.

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That’s cause the Alliance is the generic good guy. Nothing interesting happens in there. They simply react to bad things the same predictable way.

That, however, does not make it Horde bias. I wish you people would learn what that word means before you start tossing it around.


I never used the words “Horde bias” stop trying to put words in my mouth.

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You said Horde faction bias. Same thing.


It must be so hard being you. Can’t read words without becoming reactionary.

You have my pity.

I’d just be content with you not using words you don’t understand. Anyway, no need to get aggressive.


Just like you misunderstand my point. You seem to misunderstand the difference between aggression and assertiveness.

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Thrall comes back at the end of the Leveling campaign it looks like, alongside a lot of horde forces for the main assault on Azj-Kahet itself. I suspect his limelight will be after that point. Each zone seems to be focusing on drawing loose threads from the past to a close with different prominent NPCs.

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I’m sorry to hear about her nephew and that she was laid off. I didn’t always agree with her story ideas but I enjoyed some of them. I hope she does well going forward.


But I didn’t. I read horde faction bias and I understood horde faction bias. Not anyone’s fault you don’t know what that actually means. So instead of being aggressive thank me for pointing out the gap in your knowledge and go learn what bias actually means instead of snapping back at me.


you should stop being so aggressive.

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Here, in cherry-picking my post as anti-horde simply because my forum character is my alliance hunter, you seemed to miss the key takeaways of what I said about the issue. I’ve bolded parts of them to help.

Nothing was cherry-picked. You’ve been “Anti-Horde,” if that’s how we’re gonna put it, the whole time.

Even this is wrong because.

You’re saying Orcs have too much content, comparable to Night Elves, because… we had an expansion about killing non-playable Orcs? Because Siege of Orgrimmar exists? To act like Orcs have a narrative focus in WoW compared to humans or Night Elves recently, really is out of touch.

Even if WoD or BfA is “plenty of Orc content,” it doesn’t negate the lack of Horde-related focus we’ve had the last few expacs, and what it looks like for the next three. And this INCLUDES Tauren and Trolls. Always has.

As for Blood Elves, well thinking Blood Elves are overly-represented is new to me. Not sure why anyone would say that.

Well this is literally just a strawman and personal attack that doesn’t apply to me. This was the least worth addressing if anything. I want ALL the underdeveloped Horde races given more depth. That includes Tauren, Vulpera, etc. One of my friends is a huge Vulpera enthusiast, and his Paladin ideas make me salivate.

And I’m tired of having repeat to repeat myself to every single Alliance main who wants to lecture Horde players so bye.

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You brought up MoP and BfA, I didn’t. Orcs were the main counter to humans, and vice versa-- they’ve been the horde focus just as much as humans have been alliance’s. They have entire zones focused on them from Classic. We had WoD, which while not a great expansion did a lot for the individual orc clans. Nagrand’s story on Horde (in BC) is centered around the orcs.

Show me where I can get that on my troll, beyond their starting zone that they only got in Cata (before that they shared with the orcs). Show me where I can get this on my undead, because they have been villain-batted even more than orcs, with their relevance in past zones almost always tied to them scheming to do warcrimes.

No she did worse. She gave the Horde two leaders who hate their own faction and are the reason there is zero pride left.

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There is alliance bias and Golden is to blame for most of it.


There’s more Alliance bias than Horde bias in this game. Horde are under represented and are only usually represented by orcs.

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Blaming Golden for which races are over or under represented is certainly one of the takes of all time.

Golden set up what the Horde would be through books like Rise of the Horde but sure, let’s go with your narrative. Like how can you even have any complaints about Christie Golden who mostly wrote books when you can only manage to read at a 3rd grade level?