Christie Golden Laid Off

I’m surprised some of the posts haven’t been flagged. Lots of cussing and insults going on which probably doesn’t follow the rules. I think if I used the same type of language some of my posts would get removed.

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Can’t tell that to them, because joining the Alliance is like becoming human. Every Alliance faction has to align itself with the human morality. Anything else, well, can’t say it’s not allowed because it simply does not exist.

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Nobody is saying you can’t. All I said is we know that Thrall will be relevant in TWW. The problem is when you guys complain about not every story being split 50/50 at all times. Which isn’t even feasible mind you, because than no one gets the same attention anyway because of character bloat.

The more sensible of us moved on from the Red vs Blue mentality and just want a well written and enjoyable story.

We have an entire expansion worth of stories in TWW and at best we only know the first part will be Alliance focused. For all we know subsequent patches will have more Horde rep even if the main participants are suppose to be Alleria/Anduin.

For example, there were datamines that our season 2 delve will be Rexxar. To this day, Kosak’s whole faction favoratism article rings true(even its criticism):

In truth, a historical account of the Warcraft universe reads like a war crimes trial. Empires topple, leaders are corrupted, populations are massacred, entire civilizations fall to ruin (often at their peak of power)… Warcraft is a dark place. Just ask the Draenei: We trashed their homeworld and tortured its last uncorrupted children for tens of thousands of years. We’re downright cruel. I’ve never met a more sadistic team of story folk.

Suffering is the gasoline that drives our story engine. Why is that?

We can guarantee an unfair and inequitable treatment of both factions for now and in the foreseeable future. This allows us to have richer long-term story arcs, another idea that we’ve been experimenting with since the build-up to Cataclysm. To see the factions ebb and flow as their leaders get embroiled in all manner of heroism or skullduggery is like a reward for long-time players.

Speaking of faction leaders, that’s one area where I think we can do better: Giving everyone a chance to interact with their heroes throughout the story. In creating this universe, I’ll admit that we at Blizzard often fall into a trap of thinking of our main characters as “world” characters and not individual faction characters.

“populations are massacred, entire civilizations fall to ruin” gee I wonder what the could refer to in TWW. Anyway, time to get a bottle of Dalaran Noir.

Dont even bother with him. Guy doesnt know how to be a decent human being. Im pretty sure if something like this ever happened to him theyll be expecting sympathy.

Christie made mistakes but its shortsighted and childish to pin the blame on WoWs narrative on her. People really think this is so black and white

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Same here. I don’t like her style of writing (mostly the ‘game scale = lore scale’ thing she does) but I can’t really feel happy for her losing her job.

Especially if it coincides with losing a loved one, I really hope she’s able to get a new job soon and have things start to look up for her again.

Tl;dr: You can dislike someone’s writing style, but you should still feel sympathy for them as a person imo.


She isn’t there. Her model was literally just a placeholder for Harronir. Funny how a lot of people here are pretty behind on what’s actually going on.

DF was still more Alliance than not. No Earthen Ring or Horde themes like I said.

There’s no sign of him yet, and no mention from Blizzard, whereas the Alliance leads are all over. Blizzard said what the main characters of the expansion will be, and Thrall isn’t there.

If he’s the only Horde Rep, then we kinda do. Another part of wanting Horde representation is that Horde players have less reason to gst invested in the story.

The main races like humans and Night Elves.

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I see this first act as a continuation of BFA’s story. BFA was heavy in Horde faction bias.

This is also act one of a nine act story, which seems to focus on Magni the most. Which is understandable in a saga centering Azeroth.

If you feel nostalgic for horde centrification. Go replay WoD or Cata.

Another thing I forgot to mention here, in this entire thread, is that stories that villain-bat the Horde are terrible, and if people in this thread are using that as “Horde representation” that we should be greatful for, and that’s why we don’t need any more Orc stories, that says a lot.

Is that what’s going on? Am I being told that Horde players have enough content because they should be grateful for MoP or BfA? LOL.


Now this I got to hear. How was BFA Horde faction bias?


We have that one moment at the start of BfA, where the entire Alliance is gathered defending their city, only for a single Horde Character to fly by, neutralize their defenses, and tear apart the ramparts. What out right factional bias!

Oh, never mind, that was Jaina single handedly turning the tide at Undercity.

Well we had that time where the Horde invaded the Alliance’s new partner, killed their leader, and just left with out losing any characters.

Oh never mind, that was the Alliance killing Rastakhan, and just sailing away.

I guess these people see the Horde being propped up purely as jabronies for the Alliance to stomp on, and consider that Horde bias.


The Alliance story in BFA wasn’t as good or involved as the Horde one. The Horde civil war was the central conflict of the story.

It might be to those who think the Burning of Teldrassil was justified I guess.

So how was that faction bias? Because that’s what you said. The Horde lost to the Alliance literally at every turn after that one mission where they freed Talanji actually worked. In fact the whole Horde story the player assists with is ENTIRELEY undone by the Alliance story the player assists with. The Horde ends up losing the war. They end up losing not one but two of their most iconic characters, but somehow it’s still Horde bias.

Do you people even know the meaning of that word or you just hear it somewhere and decided it sounded cool or something?


Now I know you’re trolling. The Horde BfA story is probably the low point of writing for the entire history of WoW.


At the end of the day, and this is why I brought up factions in a thread about Christie Golden.

  1. Blizzard has been centering Alliance themes and characters, like Anduin, and Night Elves, in the last few expansions. They seem to be doing so for the next 3 expansions too.

  2. The Horde content that we’ve been getting since “at least” BfA, and you can even argue before that, is incredibly poor quality.

  3. To add to that, Calia is one of Golden’s pet characters, and she IS Alliance themed.

  4. Christie Golden contributed to points 1, 2, and 3.

NOBODY can disprove any of this,


I played both factions story in BFA. The Alliance story was very dry in my opinion.

To be fair, the alliance side wasn’t that great either. Especially for anyone who dislikes the kaldorei and human narrative blizz keeps pushing

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And that’s terrible for those of us who play alliance and aren’t fans of anduin and the kaldorei or elves in general


They should have followed through with a split Alliance that would have been far more interesting. Instead the narrative pussyfooted around Tyrande’s rage and did nothing with the natural breakdown of Alliance leadership.

Because Blizzard is afraid of tarnishing the Alliance’s golden halo.