Christie Golden Laid Off

Working in a Library, inexplicably (to me) the most popular fiction genre that seems to check out is Amish romance novels. Why, I do not know. Just goes to show how much readership has shifted over the decades, though.

Amish romances are the new Westerns.

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It has to be, simply because of the distribution of PoC-based races in WoW. You can say “Ask for more Tauren content, but don’t make it about factions,” but we’d be getting the same thing at the end of the day. More Tauren representation is the end goal.


Not really, because when you operate under the umbrella of this faction mindset interesting ideas which branch out from that umbrella can’t happen.

Not to mention that when you say things like ‘we need more Horde themes’ all you really end up creating is a massive umbrella which could literally mean anything. If you want more Tauren content say you want more Tauren content, or Orcs, or Trolls etc.

If you say ‘we need more Horde representation’ you speaking about something entirely different than saying ‘Orc’ or ‘Troll’ alone. You’re saying ‘I want content that’s structured around this nebulous idea of the Horde’ which incorporates the entirety of the Horde and muddies and attempts at seeing content geared towards one culture/race specifically. What you really end up doing is creating less representation for things like Tauren in favor of some shallow factionalized version of them and every other Horde race.


The Horde is Nothing.



Such a good point. As a Horde player myself. I don’t want homogenization just for the sake of it being Horde.


All nonsense. I want Horde representation because there’s a lack of it, and that includes the various races that are underrepresented, which you admitted. You can want Horde representation, because there’s a lack of it, and want specific races to get more development. The former sort of implies the latter as well, at least the way I used uy. I’m tired of arguing with dishonest folks.

Edited a bunch to express myself better.


If the Horde is made up of several races, wanting content from the Horde means wanting the history of these races developed, without, however, going against the ancient tradition that made them form the faction.

There are no complaints, for example, that there is too much human content and not enough Alliance content. However, there are complaints that Alliance content is monopolized by humans.


Thare’s plenty of Alliance content regardless.

Really starting to wonder if ‘Durotar Destroyers’ refers to a group of obsessives that have destroyed their brains on faction politics.

Nobody here is being dishonest, you’re literally just too stupid to understand what people have been saying to you.

No matter how many times or how many people respond to you at-length.

I liked her early books but, if she had a hand in Shadowlands or Dragonflight, I’m glad she’s gone. God Bless her though and her Nephew.


Well, why can’t we have a Horde main character once in a while?

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But there is absurdly more orc, troll, blood elf contwnt in the game than there is gnome content.

We have a dwarven adjacent expansion on the horizon, and people claim more of the same, but like, we haven’t had main dwarven content since when?

Dragonflight has night elf content mixed on a mostly new setting, thats about it. Most other content went as faction nwutral as possible, with the dragonscale expedition being a joint effort.

Don’t forget Talanji! Wow, look at the total lack of horde leaders in TWW!


I honestly agree that more horde representation is needed, the only part that got me was the mention of Thrall specifically. He was in TWW trailer, implying he will be present within the expansion (likely in end-game content). Personally, my horde alts are waiting for more troll, tauren, and vulpera representation.

Here lately, I’ve leaned more towards neutral when this topic comes up purely because I feel like the horde races I care about aren’t getting any representation from the side claiming to fight for the horde, either. I’ve got alts on both colors, and I care about each of their stories/lore. But we don’t need more Thrall, if we’re talking about horde representation-- We don’t need to see more orc and blood elf stories any more than we need more human and high/void/night elf stories.

This is as deeply as I’m willing to go into this rabbit hole, but that’s my two cents on the matter. I want my horde alts to have just as much good story as my alliance, and I agree that they need some love in the lore department, but I personally feel like the people fighting for it are only going for their select favorites out of the horde.


This is big part of why breaking it down by faction never made sense to me.

People go around and claim Alliance bias Alliance bias but like… what?

Tell that to people who want to see more about the Dwarves of Dun Morough or the Gnomes or the Worgen or the Draenei. Don’t exactly think they would be rushing to agree.


Having read through the thread, I have to wonder if this was originally part of the General Discussion forums before it got buried alive in the Story Forums. As many threads like these often do.

I fell off my chair and accidentally swallowed a shoe.

Shows over folks.

I saw it when it was posted, it wasn’t.

Oh I Know that, just the sort of language being used seemed to present itself as being the case. Hence the “like these often do”.

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