Chris Metzen going to be on stage for Blizzcon

Could be interesting but at this point, all I can feel about Blizzcon is “Meh!”

Maybe it will change. Maybe not. Probably not, the current people at Blizzard don’t seem to be able to put on a good or exciting show. We’ll see. I hope the people who did buy tickets do get their money’s worth.

I used to go to Blizzcon every year (even the charity dinner, once) but then one year I was sitting there during a class panel by Ghostcrawler & his crew, and I thought, “Why am I paying money to sit here and have them lie to me, every year?”

Never went again.

You can never go back like it was.

taylor swift… lol

sounds like its more of a punishment.

I’m almost certain we are seeing a 10.3, and pre patch 11.0 going on.

Exactly :wink:

Its just more hype. Im sure blizzcon will be disappointing

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Its gonna be lots of damage control at the minumum. So many fires…

OW2 (pve fiasco)

D4 the honeymoon faded real fast. Even wow is not as much as a second job as that game.

DF…yeah, mixed expac. It had me stay full classic really, all I got to say about that.

and classic. that panel will be fun. RDF, cata, cata with RDF or nay even…LFR? Ain’t no “don’t you have phones” out of that one. Closest that game gets to mobile play is steam deck lol.


It’s why they took on chris metzen
They are trying to get interest back.

The raid loggers love it but when i ask them what else do they like about it, they had no other reason lol.

DF for me has been a BFA style expansion, almost SL. It’s just not good.

What makes you say that? My assumption is if we get a 10.3 it will be a greatest hits patch like the season after Zereth Mortis

“Raid loggers” finished all of their content a long time ago as Abberus was a much easier raid than the last five or six tiers.

I truly believe its just the keystone runners proclaiming the game so great.

Myself I typically clear AOTC and do arenas. Ive no interest in keys. Ive been able to find some fun side activities to do while waiting for RSS ques. I really enjoy the Niffenseeking for example. I also have been farming the furbolg rep and I do the Fyrakk Assaults here and there.

I think the time anomalys or whatever they are called are ok content but I’ve not been a fan of any of the limited time zone events in DF. Didnt care for soup, assault on the keep etc. Hunts were fun at first and I could do them at my leisure. The time rifts should have been queable 3 man content instead of waiting for one per hour.

They have enough in a simple template layout to knock out 10.3 at this rate.

Pre patch before 11.0 is its little own thing.

Only if he makes ret paladins good again.

Honestly who doesn’t use exes for songs? Is there are plenty of reasons to dislike her… Like how she’s very insufferable and doesn’t take criticism wow but who does?

But she does seem nice enough… I guess… I don’t know where I was going with this

I’m excited for next expansion teasers

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Life ain’t constant work. Metzens a old metalhead. Let him have some Metallica

Her fanbase weirds me out.

That and she was godawful in Cats. They butchered the character she played just for her to be in one song then gone.

Considering Windstalker was responsible for a lot of the EQ2 garbage it wouldn’t surprise me. She spent a LOT of time on EQ.

Chris Metzen will get up on stage and say “Welcome to Ogrimmar. Have you come to serve the Horde? I am Thrall” And then with Metzen back shamans and paladins will be good again.

I’m more impressed that they forked over the cash to get Metallica on stage at this point.

Re-recruiting the ultimate Blizzard hype man is certainly their best move though. Metzen could get me hyped about anything.

Not going to say they “lie” as Game Development is a multi-faceted process and often things just don’t go according to plan, forcing you to scrap things and start over. That being said they do have some bullies, or at least they used to. Dunno about now.

I just know that a friend who went and got selected for a live-question once told me that a security guard told him if he asked Ghostcrawler a question they didn’t agree to, they would simply escort him out and have him arrested.

Clearly a scare tactic since it was being streamed, but still when I factor in what Ghostcrawler and Rygarius did to force CRZ down everyone’s throats and kill the non-sharded game world in MoP; I can see it.

They frequently deleted or altered up-votes to keep the complaints off the “Frequently Discussed Topics” section of the Forums. They also continually attacked players from their internal sock-puppet account, Xanzul. So honestly? I am glad GC and Rygarius are gone now.

I’ll consider Blizzcon someday, but not this time unfortunately. The guys who have my respect are Vrakthris, Ion, Ybarra, Samwise, Metzen and Gregory. I am sure there’s others in lower level positions that if I knew I’d also adore, and I know Ion’s the boogeyman to many, but I think he’s just cautious with his words so as to not overpromise.

All in all I appreciate what the current Devs do.

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