Chris Metzen going to be on stage for Blizzcon

Who Nicks??? She was with Buckingham Not Mic and Christine was with Mc Vee.

The closest Nicks came with Mic was an breif affair but that was it, they were never married though.


They didn’t that was Buckingham Nicks was with

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If it ain’t an in-game Taylor Swift crossover I don’t want it


Who soured your cornflakes Stormcloud?


She did have a brief relationship with mick Fleetwood, too.

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Metzen save us!

For reals tho, that’s awesome, I hope he has a lot of fun!

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Yeah breif but never married to either

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Coldplay would’ve been a much better choice then Taylor Swift, but that’s just me.

no it’s not. the man’s not working for blizzard anymore. at best it’ll feel nice to see him doin stuff, but the days of excitement at blizzcon are over (for me atleast).

i stopped getting excited for WoW stuff when shadowlands was announced. saw sylvanas do what she did, was shocked, heard about the new zones, did’nt give a crap about’em, and realized… that’s it for me. no more excitement.

…sorry for bein a downer, i’m really sleepy, been up since midnight… i’m gonna head to bed now.

Maybe we will get warcraft back and not dragons with feelings

I mean it’s something to expect. Anyone who stand against left gets silenced or excluded depending on how much influence it has.

It’s amazing but I hope we could get old dev team back so they can actually work on this game properly and actually make it a good game again

You don’t say…Blizzard paying big bucks and a token title for a prominent person is, shockingly, going to trot that individual out on the world stage?

I’ll also be royally shocked if they end up advertising future products and/or services or otherwise try and garner good will with their captive playerbase while they are at it. Those tricksey fiends.

I think you misunderstand. I don’t want Classic. I just want the old world to be updated with new story, perhaps looks, and even content. Gilneas being updated and becoming a relevant zone? Perhaps Silvermoon is finally fixed. Hell maybe our capitals even go through a huge graphical overhaul. I’m sure there’ll be completely new zones somewhere, but hoping the expansion isn’t just another “slap new continent somewhere on the map, make up random lore about why we could never find it, go there.” etc.

to me that would be a punishment. i hate concerts too loud. only went to one in my life and thats was because it was band i really liked and they were seats way in the back.

That would be sweet.

Shes not even my type and id sign up to be her next ex

i posted in the wrong place lol

Im pretty sure we will hear about the next expansion and 10.2 will be revealed in early October ahead of Blizzcon.

I think DF will go to a 10.2.5 maybe 10.2.7

That’s a problem, because that is page one of the Acti-Blizz playbook!


This is a hot show.

I know from talking to some adults at my son’s scout meeting last night her Japan portion of the tour has these on a lottery system. 2 peeps won the lottery and got tickets, others did not lol.