Chris Metzen Creative Director NOW

Was it the story? Or the way that it was told?

The story in WoD was pretty weak. Pseudo time travel to an alternate timeline that indirectly impacts our timeline (army spilling into it). It was pretty jank.

However, it was told very well. Never read any quest text (still don’t), but had a good idea of what was going on.

Then again, ever since we moved to non-linear zone progression, the story got jank. Definitely much better for server stability (when we don’t get funneled into single hut/survey equipment, but the story was janky.

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Find a single person complaining about the WoD zones back in the day.

People enjoyed them.

You can go look up old wod reviews no one is upset about the zone

Actually, it looks like pre-BC was largely Jeff Kaplan and Pat Nagle.

Hard to write that without writing Nat Pagle…

Point remains, it wasn’t just all Metzen doing the quests of yore.

Since Metzen supposedly outlined the story we have today before he left the first time, I am not sure how things will improve. Will have to wait and see but there isn’t any reason to celebrate the status quo.

I’m telling you I didn’t like the story. I thought it was weak. So there is your “single person”.

I do agree that the story was told well though (i.e. even skipping quest text, you could follow along).

You not liking the story=/= the zones.

My point is the general consensus from hundreds of WoD review all point the zones as a positive.

yes how DARE people voice their excitement and jubilation. grow up homie

I’m guessing OP hit the posting limit on their alts for the day on the FFXIV forums.

This is so true!

Leveling in cata, mop and wod was amazing. Super fun storylines and zones! I’d be one happy camper to see this sort of direction in 11.0! :upside_down_face:

They posted their excitement and jubilation. In other threads about the same topic they were active in.

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Does this mean we’ll get some raid encounters where Thrall sits out until the boss is at 1% health?