I can’t believe it, hes back in full force!
The true Warchief!! Aka’Magosh!!
And people will go right back to trashing him like how it was in Cata and WoD
those toxic haters have quit
Have I? News to me
yeah back then 12m players played, now its down to like 2m
more than likely they have quit
this is pretty cool. now we need tom chilton, alex a. , and mike back!
You confessed! Aha!
A confession that I think Metzens a cool dude but a mid writer? So?
Not here to care if other people like him or not . I mean he’s not someone I personally know so if you hate ok .
But having watched or listened to several interviews with Chris he’s my kind of geek. D&D enthusiast, gamer , writer and down to earth. Pretty cool in my book.
Yeah like I said. Cool guy. Just a okay writer.
he designed kalimdor and eastern kingdoms map in like an hour from what i saw in the wod documentary
You posted 13 or so times in another Chris Metzen is back thread that was created before you made this one.
This is spam at this point.
Cool he drew a shape
can you draw a shape and get paid for it and spawn an entire franchise off it?
I’m just saying. Dude was a dnd dm so course he could quickly draw shapes for maps.
That question is silly as I have no access to the networks he had when Warcraft was in the works.
I still make characters and little stories that friends like. That’s enough for me.
Cata,MoP and WoD narrative in the questing zones were peak.
It’s the trash systems that failed WoD not the narrative.
It’s the trash gameplay designed that failed cataclysm ( dragon soul)
I remember having a blast playing the WoD zones then i got max level in my A L O N E garrison and was told to farm apex crystals so i quit.
Cata: folks complaining about the thrall wedding and a majority of the new zones
MoP: OhmAHGawDGuYSthEYriPPEDofFkunGFUPANDA for its entire run time on the forums
WoD: Do I really gotta explain WoD?
Cata has some of the best questing in the game. If he’s responsible for that, I’m glad he’s back.
He injected much of the world of Krynn (Dragonlance) into WoW.
Great stuff.