Chris Metzen Appreciation Thread

Best part? This is just referencing his apology pertaining to the whole thing, like bro, do you even realize that this man left Blizzard because he was having mental health issues due to his job? Like that’s how much he loved his job and doing what he did. But no no no, let’s continue to blame him for something he didn’t have a hand in because he didn’t get personal with his employees like Afrasabi did.


Wow, you get a long forum vacation, and come back a shill?

Or this just a safer way to troll now?


I got a forum vacation?

And how is talking about how over hyped Chris Metzen is related to shilling?


Metzen is the kind of guy that would see female employee got harassed and just walk away.

Wait, I mixed you up with another Void Elf.

You all look the same…not many customization options.

One post does not make a shill.

“I could’ve done more to stop it” isn’t the same as being part of the problem.

No one is ever obligated to act out against injustice. That’s not part of the job description.

I wouldn’t have said anything either. I would’ve kept my job and had the opinion of, “The less I know about what they’re doing, the better.”

I think most people would have. Metzen is expressing a wish that he had actually intervened when he didn’t have to. He is not admitting nor implying fault of any kind.


Didn’t mean to say this, sorry.

Those were the demons talking.

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When you are in management…yes, it is.

That’s why members of management were named in the lawsuit


This kind of thing always makes me laugh, its like people think the success of WoW just appeared out of thin air. Even if you believe Metzen was the reason they lost 7-8 million players then he was ALSO the reason they had 7-8 million players to lose. You can make whatever speculation you’d like about the culture of the company etc because no one has any facts on that, but Metzen was undeniably the driving force behind making WoW the behemoth success that it has been.


Watching that video makes me remember what a true passion and love for this game looked like.

I don’t see any of that in the current leaders of the game now.

To them, it’s just a job, or a way to show something they did that they can show off.

There is no love or passion for the product. And it shows.


Show me in writing where that’s part of any manager’s job description. You’re thinking of HR. It’s their job to deal with injustice in the work place. Management’s job is to direct and assign employees to various tasks.


Should’ve appreciated him a bit more when he was working. The lack of appreciation and constant toxicity is why he left.


And they let people drink at work while playing Call of Duty while forcing the female employees do most of the work.

Or is that HR’s fault?

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Nikolo, in these types of situations you can deff come talk to your manager about your concerns, and in most corporations the manager then writes up a statement brings it to Human Resources for action and to be investigated.

There is a chain of command when it comes to these things.

Management sets the tone for the workplace and identifies acceptable and unacceptable practices.

They are equally responsible for accepting the bad behavior and letting it continue without taking action.

They cultivated the workplace.

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Ah… I guess that’s why Metzen has been indicted during these ongoing lawsuits.

Oh wait, he hasn’t.

Additionally, previous employees of Blizzard have come out defending him from accusations that he was aware of what was happening.

Please stop creating narratives in your head and actually go read up before trying to defame someone like this, and no that doesn’t mean reading one random article on the internet that split up Metzen’s response into jigsaw puzzle pieces.


The not split up version doesn’t change the message. He acknowledges and apologizes for his role.

Period. Dot. End of point.

I’m not sure why you keep pretending the full quote changes that.

Tell me his role then since you’re so well read.

Full quotes and context matter, especially since you went and said the following very early on,

Firstly, you were never able to bring up a source of him putting out a cosby suite tweet, then the way you cut off the quote makes it sound as if he personally participated in sexual harassment.

Stop digging yourself a deeper hole.


I miss Chris Metzen


Man I really miss the amount of energy this guy has. It really gets you excited!