Chosen Identity for Worgen

allow us to use the [Chosen Identity] for Worgen, as they have two forms.


I second this!

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Worgen could have you choose from Night Elf or Human. As not only it was originally Nelf lore, but there are Night Elf Worgen who are good.

What is chosen identity, though?


Can’t we just get a voice option for Humans instead?

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Combat should still transform you. That’s the werewolf fantasy. The “beast within” trope only works if the beast has to come out - it’s moot if the beast is always on the outside.

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I agree. There is no reason why Blizzard can’t make that an option now.

Pandering to furries is an easy win for Blizzard. Despite the vociferous vitriol against Evokers, they’re everywhere. If they want to get easy wins, easy resubs from worgen players all they have to do is:

  1. Give them tail customizations
  2. Give them an option to toggle using their human voice while in Worgen form
  3. Give them a chosen identity ability.

Easy sub influx.

Yes, giving worgen Chosen Identity is a must.

And tails!

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