Choose Your Druid Shapeshift Appearances in the Barber Shop

They’re just there… taunting me…

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You’ve never seen someone flailing before? If not, this is what flailing looks like. “Maybe this will work [toss]” “No? Then maybe this!”

It’s maddening…

Art done. Files made. Works on PTR.

Naw, let’s remove it. Give non-elf players less options.

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I think Treant form needs more polys and it would be nice if it had some foilage colour options for its leaves.

Also if they could fix it from being shapeshifted out during certain boss mechanics, that would be nice.


I’ve been hoping for the white-barked orange-leaved version from Eversong Woods to be available to druids since the Tome of Treant was released! I’m still hoping. There’s a bunch more color variants already in game, too.

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Might be time to discuss this again now that dragonflight promises more regular updates to both the game and characters (such as the 10.0.7 monk Worgen/Goblin addition).

I would love the golden lion for my HMT. I was always the gold one on my cow. I was so sad when I race changed and it was the one cut.

Wow imagine moon fire from that :laughing:

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