Choose a new city for Forsaken

Stormwind is literally one of the greatest cities in the Eastern Kingdoms, next to Ironforge. I mean it beats what the Blood Elves have, which is a city literally broken in half, and the other one being Undercity which Sylvanas nuked herself (good job).

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Why a city? Why not the world!


The grave is good enough.

Darnassus? More like Darnashes amirite?


The void will take the undead. No decay and itā€™s dark and crypt like. Also the gnome mafia dumps the bodies of all who punt them in an area to the west.

Naxx and Strath are great optionsā€¦ but I think we should take over Kara. >:}
We could steal all the magiks! /cackle

(Another random place I thought of, would be Tol Barad or Alcaz island, cause reasons)

I heard a rumor that Teldrassil had some vacancies.

It even has catacombs (graves) full of slightly crispy night elves to raise into skeletons or Forsaken.

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You guys can have Goldshire.

Maybe, but they have written off Westfall, so I am sure they wouldnā€™t even notice if the forsaken set up a ziggurat or three there.

Stormwind as soon as its purged of that living filth known as humans and the refugee tree elves

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The break in case of emergency 1 at uc killed everything living and dead it was the last stand suicide and kill the other guys button

Half of Silvermoon thats scourgedā€¦

Stormwind. Keep the tradition of stealing alliance cities alive and well

Or dead and well

or idk

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The other half of Silvermoon would ā€¦ Actually be an incredibly cool idea.

Drive in the Undead/Blood Elf friendship, get the nifty contrast between both sides of the Dead Scar. I really like that one, and I hadnā€™t even thought of it. Thank you!

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I vote Theramore. I mean, the plot line for that city is done at this point - it is just wasted space. Also - imagine the look on Jainaā€™s face, especially if they raise the dead from the massive gaveyard over there and turn them into forsakenā€¦

Hey, maybe Jaina will even get to talk to Kinndy again!

(I thinkā€¦ I think that Iā€™m a monsterā€¦)

I highly doubt they are going to convert a dungeon instance into a new city center. Now I could see them occupying the remains of Darkshore or even Theramore.

Yarrrā€¦I left you undeadā€¦an empty crate near the road at Darkshoreā€¦thats good enough for your kindā€¦you and She-Witch can make that your capital.

The burnt out husk of Teldrassil seems appropriate. Theyā€™re trying to push blue and red continents. Itā€™s stupid but they donā€™t care what we think so just put the dead in the dead tree.

But thatā€™s going to be the new Worgen/Night Elf capital

A graveyard. Where corpses belong.