Choose a new city for Forsaken

How about the exodar?

Sorry weā€™re full

Andorhalā€™s the obvious choice here.

Stromgarde would be the second choice.


Molten Core

Wait, whatā€¦why is a sweetfaced Alliance Draenei asking this? :open_mouth:

Well I donā€™t like anyone to be homeless thatā€™s why, Iā€™m against homelessness. I think homelessness should be banned.

Everyone deserves a home, even yucky undead people.


Nani nani boo-boo?

is that what this was?

it took the heritage armour quest to get me to go back to the area. 1-20ā€¦its like you and only you there. BEā€™s leave after 20ā€¦rarely do we ever come back it seems.

My BEā€™s are bad I guess. They want to have a nice pad in Suramar and call that place home.

Stormwind city. That place is just begging to be conquered. Itā€™s not like the humans are doing much to protect it.

  • Uncontrolled decades-long prison riot.
  • Defias brotherhood, furbolgs, murlocs, and kobolds attacking nearby territory.
  • Was easily controlled by a disguised dragon.
  • Took a decade to repair the damage done by Deathwingā€™s short visit.
  • Had a minion of the old gods running their cathedral!
  • Was almost completely torched recently by a single troll with just one torch.
    • While the Alliance army was marching in the city!
    • While Genn and Jaina were within the city!
    • Jaina and her mages didnā€™t even notice the city was fire until the troll told her!
    • Why is the Alliance so incompetent at protecting their cities from fire???

Their own people stoned their Queen to death.

If you want to get blood out of a stone, throw it at Anduinā€™s mother.

They are aching for regime change.


Why not just build a new one somewhere in Kalimdor?
Heck, why arenā€™t we building new villages, cities, and towns ANYWHERE period?

Seems like now is the opportune time to expand settlements when we have control of the entire (Excluding Silvermoon and Azuremyst/The other one Islands.) Continents and Kulā€™Tiras and Zandalar?
(To clarify, Iā€™m talking about Both factions at this point.)

Not to mention we each probably got some territory in Northrend and possibly a little in Pandaria.

And there are plenty of Islands just waiting to be added to either.

Ignore the whole war thing, thereā€™s plenty of opportunities to strengthen our positions WITHOUT fighting.

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lol loving how many likes that comment got


They should all go live in the Darkmoon faire house of horrors roller-coaster ride where they spend their lives as part of the attraction, or get jobs as halloween props :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

An alternative to all this though is to work for the Ebon Blade as domestic cleaners and servants :grin:

Deadwind pass - the place is practically empty, except Karazhan.
The entire area looks gray and dead, which makes it perfect for the Undead.

Swamp of Sorrows the name just beckons to the Undead.

Its called the Graveyard.

pretty fire, Where are my Marshmellows?

The Forsaken broke their own toys. Theyā€™ll have to do without and think about their actions!

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Stormwind (10)

If Blizzard is going for the Kalimdor for the horde and EK for the Alliance thing, then i think Theramore would be a logical spot.

Though if you ask me, i think they should remain refugees for the time being. They are the cause for causing 2 races to be refugees in the first place. A little penance for their troublemaking