Dez!! Dude, how you been? Thanks for all your help back in the day man. So many memories
Sent you an invite on blizzard, accept it!
went by ßowser (but am typing Bowser here so it’s easy to search for.), played a Gnome Mage. Looking for my Priest buddy I used to play with.
Judgmeant, paladin. Don’t remember the guild i was in. Depth was in it for a little while
Hardcore! I remember you charging out of stealth in the WSG flag room with ashkhandi! My friend was in inquisition for a little while Puppetmaster the warlock
Omg my first aussie gaming franz! hope all is well!
Hmmm didn’t see it try again? Icykill#1304
Soulfury? Warlock? I think? was also another priest in perdition drawing a blank on name sadly forgive me but one of my better friends back in the day. Wasn’t Sakur our MT?
Ey I remember PuppetMaster! I’m rolling warrior again my friend!
What was your tag in Vanilla, or Horde Guild. I’m still looking for Blitzkrieg and GnomeStomper, dumb cow warriors!
Play horde on whitemane with us!
Ill join! Tauren warrior coming up! Whats your battle tag so I can add you!
Gblock? Female Night Elf Warrior, if you are I looked up to when leveling my warrior. I think I first seen you in Felwoods all decked out lol.
I hated you (with love), haha, SO much, Wogwog Undead warrior, you would just never die and your emotes…Oh those emotes.
Good times. I got up to lvl40 in classic but cant play much since im not a jobless teen anymore.
Marisabelle, human warlock and Thrin Marshal ranked NE rogue. Was in MKXII and Vanquish. Seeing some familiar names on here. Rolled oceanic for classic.
Man what’s good. I never check this website lol. Good to see people alive and kicking
I was a night elf hunter