Cho'gall Alliance Reconnections


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Going Stalaag
add me SLacker101#1956

so your still kicking my friend

Also looking for some old friends, Simm, Daro, Nighthawk, Arrownight, Beerguzzler, Creep. Any one know these guys and can get ahold of them Plz gimmie a yell. thx

hey kryptar, stay outta that puddle “kryptar nods”

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if any old friends decide to play or just feel like shooting the poop like the old days, add me heetahme#1497

:rofl:old times :zipper_mouth_face::+1:

Heetahme, thats a name I havnt heard in awhile. I was Nikkinova from Mentality/Gear Check/TSM. Run my name by him and see if my name rings a bell.

Jellybean - Shaman

Anyone from Voodoo in the house? Xgen-Huntard Would love to reconnect!

oh yeah man, long time no see, remember watching countless C’thun vid’s with ya till we got him, gonna be fun to do it all over again, well, maybe…

Cheeser from Voodoo in vanilla. Uploaded a couple guild videos on youtube and had some old guildies show up over the years. Can’t believe Voodoo was over 14 years ago.

Hey Xgen. I still watch your video on occasion to remember who I used to play with.

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Nikkinova, That name rings a bell for me, i spent some time in Mentality during the BWL days, Warrior probably went by the name Bre at that point in the game.

Re-post on my warrior dur

Hello, Iso here. Night elf Druid. Totally forgot the guilds I was in. Gonna roll Whitemane.

Hi Eliavrezz, human Warlock on Cho’gall. Don’t remember the guild name, but it was a bunch of friends from work. send me a message if you are out there :slight_smile:

Faststroke, Human Pally. Rare Spawn and Vendetta. I recall a few names of people in my guild. Bustdis, Bumb, Bustdat, Belligerent. Leme know!

Dej! You still owe me shoulders that you ninja’d from me in VoA :slight_smile:


P.S. how’ve you been, man?

Confessor and Kori’s guild? (spelling?)

Who was the huntard class leader? Started with an A