China tells game companies to stop focusing on profit

Do they even have a chinese wow forum?

And if they do, the government is probably listening in.

In which case, I would like for someone with chinese forum access to make a post, about how all elves in the game makes boys in real too feminine, girls too manly, and furthermore, to make elves in the western version of WoW look even more feminine to further emasculate the western men.

Welp, I can see why you consider WoW top notch.

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PROBABLY NOT which is how it should be here as well.

Tell me that you have no taste in quality games, without telling me that you have no taste in quality games.


LMAO I love how you single out Blizzard here yet ALL companies do this. Even your precious FFXIV company.

Yes I know sports must be hard for you, your one of the stereotype of gamers we get it.

Says the anime guy?

People who speaks in plural when trying to be witty are weird.

I’d ask Naruto or walking dead but I already know your answer lol

Yes that makes sense. Alot of sense.

Eh. FFXIV is bad at milking their players.
There is no pushed insentive to buy massive amounts of gil in FFXIV, like there is for gold in WoW.

I mean, FFXIV does not have a black market house where you can buy removed mounts and items for millions of gold which the average WoW player can not afford without purchasing wow tokens.

And that is without talking about the prices on the game services not to mention their mounts - they are double that of any microtransactions offered in FFXIV.

Hey, just because I am not a racist does not mean that I have poor taste.


I don’t like any of them.
Piss poor shows both.

I quit Walking Dead after the first episode in season 2, didn’t care much for Naruto in the first place.

You realize hating most anime doesn’t make me racist? Anime is not a race .

China is probably going to take over the world.

Good call on the Naruto. I advise giving walking dead another shot.

Most of us and our family would be dead by now

You use anime as an overall judgement of poor taste in quality, which means that you have a negative view of products coming out of Japan, and because you probably do not watch a lot of anime, this can only mean one thing… racism.

No… they made the cardinal sin of boring me.

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No, we would be sent to re-education forums.


China doesn’t kill. They organize. They’re okay I guess.

At least in China there’s no debate about a lot of things.