China Approves Acquisition of Activision Blizzard

This leaves only U.S. and U.K. as the only two holdouts left to approve the deal. So far 37 countries have approved the deal.


Im genuinely confused why anyone would ever care if Microsoft ate another big company. Do y’all believe WOW will turn into a better game all of a sudden?


I don’t care either way. Make it better do nothing or gut it.


no, but Sony is afraid.


I think the main issue is that 1 company gobbling up all these smaller companies will decrease competition in the market.

I don’t think MS would suddenly make CoD a PC/Xbox exclusive, considering that MS allows Mojang to develop multi-platform versions of Minecraft. And it made a big deal about allowing cross-platform play between Switch and XBox versions of Minecraft while Sony didn’t allow for it (at the time).


but sony will still think they will lose cod or it will get downgraded on the PlayStation side
which is funny they did the same to xbox and pc side


I am hoping for more accountability, but a monopoly could also raise sub prices etc.


The US can’t do anything about it. All they can really do is scrutinize and say “I don’t agree with it.” A google search will explain why.

The UK already said no. However, that was before the EU okayed the purchase. The EU was the hurdle they had to pass. The UK isn’t part of the EU, so their no still stands, HOWEVER:

Now that the EU has okayed it, all Microsoft really has to do is essentially pull support for all Microsoft products from the UK (Note: It won’t actually get that far, they’ll just announce they’re going to), and suddenly people in the government above the UK CMA will be pulling strings and forcing the CMA to backtrack and approve the merger.

Because Microsoft controls Windows, Excel, etc. Things that run the government’s infrastructure. The UK’s government won’t risk their infrastructure over a video game merger.


Didn’t UK block it?
I think it’ll go through, most of this does.
Just a matter of $$ in the right hand.


I just want to laugh at Sony and their fanbase.


The UK could just say “we will still be using it. Your problem. Sue us lol”

What happens if I put the money in the left hand? eye brow wriggles


If they can the current WoW team and bring in people that care about their work. So potentially yes.


Nothing stops them from using it. But they’d have no support when something went down. Which is a big deal. I don’t think you understand how often government systems go down lol.


Lorde Herne’s money only matters in Ardenweald :wink:

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Lol you really believe Microsoft will somehow send their developers and kicked all the Blizzard devs out of nowhere.


no what will happen no more updates to that part of the area
also no more sales of windows os

Yeah I’m sure the government is going to use a OS and other software they don’t get security updates for


I do. And my point still stands. The UK could just ignore microsoft as far as the usage is concerned. Or they use alternatives of which there are plenty. Microsoft just happens to be the most convenient one for most.

They could also just say that they will simply block any product from Blizzard/Activision products specifically.

I covered that. Getting your hands on said product is now not really hard whatsoever.

Easily accessible regardless.

They’d be sued if they illegally accessed updates.

And they would lose very easily.

And yes, they would lose. Don’t try to say they wouldn’t.

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