Chief Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Ok so if you are military you know the hangers on that hang around posts and bases… I lived outside Army and Navy posts / bases, you are lying if you say those were single women (husbands were deployed), divorced women and 22 with kids looking for a dad or just ones wanting a supporter

You may have got dates but it was all about the $$$ you were getting from disability?

What % disabled does the military aRE you at? Maybe from running twice a week (or the time you blew your knee out in HS)? Or the hearing loss from going to the range (but ignore all the extra times you went to the range)?

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All he does.

“real man” is a meaningless term loaded with culturally-biased baggage; invoking it in any kind of substantive argument is a joke.


Biology degree, later Computer Science classes, etc. Much like a popular former Blizz WoW Dev.


Have to admit it when an extreme left (or righty) tries to paint me as the opposite and tries to build an argument against me like I am an NPC (like they are) instead of an independent thinker.

While I do support the military, I lived around them. long enough to know what they really are like. You get involved in private conversations that don’t go outside “the community”. How man y scam for. % of disability while claiming minorities who do it are scum.

And yeah I am old enough to remember when guys who joined the military were looked at as guys who couldn’t get a job flipping a burger - but again, I am a right wing nutcase completely controlled by the Republicans

Not much has changed.

Okay, women don’t agree (for the most part). Sorry if this upsets you.

making brainless MRA arguments and using terms like ‘NPC’ pretty much tells everyone exactly what your political affiliation is dude; you’re just another culture-warrior.

I’m a woman and I don’t agree. “real man” is a term for morons.

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When I think of real men, it’s guys who post angrily hundreds of times in a thread about a black woman getting hired for a PR stunt.


Yes, you are right! Women like men they have to take care of. Maybe if you hear something downstairs at night you should go have a peak while he lays in bed terrified.

LOL. My step sister went for a bum like this, some people just don’t have self worth. Women don’t go for this, you might, but most won’t. LOL.

Source: Thousands of years of human nature.

I bet this happens a lot for you.

It’s funny how you keep latching onto my sh*t posting.

What a poor, sensitive little creature.

I’m still laughing at the one you just walked into.

You are very much a hypocrite to rail against being painted as a stereotype, then to paint and stereotype others. Most of your takes on things are copy pasta reddit or 4 chan.

That does not make you independent in your thinking. You come off as very set in your views based on your personal experiences (common), and have found an echo chamber that validates them online. Common as well, but this is not hard.

Blizzard was not hiring based on qualifications. They were hiring and promoting based on friends/associations, etc. Hence lawsuits and the need to fix it. This is not complicated or bad to work on fixing it. It helps dudes like you too who you say were not in the “clique”.


Guilty as charged. Red - pilled as well (the actual version not the made up lefty version -FYI I used lefty as they are the only ones actively fighting it the right just ignore it). I could go into a lot more personal reason and if you wanna spend the rest of the day looking at my history over the last few years you can piece the story together…

If the shoe fits… I can guess everyone responses to within a few words before they type them . Mirasol a fair amount of time DOES break out and have an independent thought but seems to go back to the party line a lot. Either way at least SHE /HE is an independent thinker (I dint ask her pronouns).

And you would be wrong. I am a Perot man and think any outsider is better than any insider. My choices in 2016 were either Bernie or Trump - no to either party shill but one outsider from either. They both had the same ideas on immigration and on building up the working class - even if they sometimes disagreed on how to do it. But again I am an old school liberal liker Bernie wage class warfare, not the new progressive who are all about the intersectional matrix who wage race /sex / sexuality warfare. Like many a Liberal has said, I didn’t leave the left, they left me

Possibly, but I am using my own actual experience to argue what people who have no actual experience say doesn’t exist. The books they read didn’t tell them MY story. Books are the BEST starting part (all knowledge is good as long as it’s accurate) but RL experience builds on that tremendously.

Every man I’ve ever known who puts any kind of stock in the term ‘real man’ has been an insecure, self-aggrandizing idiot who’s about as capable of taking care of himself as the kind of people you seem to imply aren’t ‘real men’. Chest-beating gymcels, arrogant children who think their bank account defines them, neanderthal slobs who think they rule the roost because they own a home but don’t know what furniture or dinner that doesn’t come from an uber driver is.

Spare me and every woman in the world your brilliant insight into social dynamics.

I wouldn’t waste my time on a fat slob with mustard stains on her sweatpants in the first place.

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Trust me, I don’t think you need to worry about anything resembling a woman ‘wasting your time’.

I may have to look into those places because I have found no one who thinks likeme or been though the depth of things I have - not even in group therapy.

True but no worse than being set in your ways based on something you read but have never experienced.

Funny the only place I talk online is the WoW forums and it seems like you all disagree with me. Hardly an echo chamber…

Having a union could do the exact same thing. You know where you progressed based on you time in the job. This just allows the focus on skin color and sex. With a Union you can’t do that.

And yeah I am just a right winger for my huge support for unions as a solution to a labor problem…

For sure, I don’t get my time wasted. My fiance is great, not some fat slob that is bitter that men don’t like her.