Chief Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Why do people keep bringing up the NBA as if it is some kind of own?

Sports is one of the few arenas where the best person is actually hired for a job.


You obviously believe that an injustice is being done with the lack of diversity in the NBA or you wouldn’t have quoted King about it. I’m just asking you to stand up and detail that injustice. Why is this so hard for you?

I haven’t had any trouble specifying the injustices I’m commenting on.

None of this changes the fact that the game had more active players than at any other point in the game history.

What’s the difference? How do you decide Blizzard wasn’t just in “rampant incompetence” mode? Doesn’t fit your narrative as much?

The fact of the matter is comparing this situation to the NBA is the exact shallow argument people will make that doesnt hold water if you critically think about it…its just low hanging fruit.

One of the many differences is that the NBA has a Physicality gate to entry while blizzard had a social gate. The game requires skill and physical stature to excel which would eliminate someone like myself from contention even tho its out of my control…that isnt a diversity problem. a diversity problem would be if i still got a job playing in the NBA even though the tall black guy was better at it then me.

The fact that the league is full of minorities is actually a testament to the league finding skill and talent regardless of their social status. Sports in general are actually a great example of that barrier being broken down in favor of fielding the best possible outcome.


It’s time to let this thread die. The same people have been arguing back and forth for days now. Just let it go.

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Dumb statement because you obviously think this is okay. Meritocracy only works in sports? Child.

At least on the playing field/court. Playing and athletics skills are easily demonstrated and those folks have been doing so for years. The comparison to hiring for desk jobs is just untenable. Apples and trout.

Management, coaching, and all the other associated stuff seems to be a bit more divisive as to how “exclusive” a club it can be.

No, I am saying that this is exactly what you would be saying about the NBA in a slightly different circumstance.

You bore me. There is nothing worth discussing with you afterall. Shame, I thought you might be able to defend yourself.

You, an intellectual: Gee I wonder why the NBA generally only has tall people, it must be discrimination!!
Me, a child: NBA likes tall people because it’s an advantage in the sport.

There is nothing more adorable than a breathing dunning kruger effect that thinks they are clever.


Except I never said this.

Totally agree.

It does when the metric being cited was “to make the most money”. Or did you intend to move the goalposts to “more active players”?

What’s the difference? If the Lions are just bad at choosing players and managing their money, no harm is being done except to themselves and their fans.

If the Lions are willfully choosing not to take better players because they aren’t the right skin color, religion, sexual orientation, now they are violating laws and harming those marginalized people.

If Blizzard were just incompetent, it wouldn’t have shown a trend for badly behaved white men at the expense of women and people of color.

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You implied it in multiple posts, and holy moley I noticed you have 114 posts in the thread, and boy are you an angry little man.

Keep lashing out at the internet small fry.

Just saw this and thought I would comment on how true this is.

Bill Synder of K-State used to get 3 Star recruits with the right character and would mold them into a team of great young men. They frequently competed against and beat other teams (Like eUT Austin) that had much better players that didn’t play as a team.

Hmm maybe that’s why Blizz kept hiring like minded people. They tried to build a team that would work well together instead of a team that would fight like us on the forums because we agree on 90% of something but disagree on 10%

Actually, I am just sad that I was one who “believe all women” and actually did put women up on a pedestal. I had to learn women are every bit as horrible as men are…

Actually it shows you have no clue what an Intel is. It’s the guys with no income. With no hygiene. With no social skills. The ones living in their mom’s basement. Or back in my day we called them nerds and geeks. Ones that can’t get girlfriends (see 1st season Big Bang Theory before being a nerd became popular).

Involuntary Celibate (what the term means) is men who want girlfriends / wives but can’t get them. I can get them anytime I want ( I know what women fit my level) I just know at this point a relationship is not worth the effort. a friend of mine (who is my age and happens to be gay) have this conversation at work regularly. Being with someone would be nice but it’s just too much work. Add in my son, knowing that he will never be on his own and having seen what a man having his children in a new relationship does to it means yeah I am alone by choice. My son is worth tons more than any momentary interest any other relationship will bring.

Again you are pushing back against a straw mana not at what I said. I never said this is how it has to be. I just said women as a whole are not attracted to lower paid lower status men - One of the dating sites did a study (can’t remember and too lazy to look it up) but 80% of men were invisible to women on their site. They even did thing like change the background of mens photos to say show a jet in the background and the % of interest jumped dramatically. I know If I use a photo of myself at the top of Aspen with my Wrangler, I would get tremendously more interest than a regular selfie…

It’s a game if, like me you have the height, you have the education, if you have the look and if you have the income.

This is what happens when you don’t understand what you read.

Then why posture about it with a famous King quote about injustice if you don’t believe it? Why don’t you let me worry about what I say or don’t say and you just focus on what’s in your smooth little brain.

And there’s the tiny intellect bow out that I’m so used to from conspiracy theorists. Admittedly, I wasn’t expecting much more than this from you though.

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It falls on deaf ears with all of these Lib Art majors in here.

Nice save, im sure no one at all is thinking you cant dig out of the hole you put yourself in. Happy trails.


Hey now, I am technically a Lib Arts Major :smiley:

Had to stop my BBA and finish online when I stepped away to do hospice for my dad.

I just finished with 3 majors:

  1. Business (was 5 classes from completion and they were the easy ones)
  2. History of American Music (I actually like music a lot and the story of Jazz evolution in America was a fun diversion at the time)
  3. Criminal Justice - where I got to learn all about the topics many of these posters throw out and how it pertains to the criminal justice system. It was basically gender studies in Policing and incarceration. Study of evil was a fun semester though.

I thought with my experience in a Fortune 25 company just having a degree would help get me an entry level Professional job. Sadly it didn’t , but I don’t have the above box to check so I must just be a loser…

ROFL no they don’t. When I was out of the military, broken, waiting to get the VA disability and going through physical therapy to be able to actually work since I couldn’t even walk…

I was going on dates. Had women come over for Netflix and chill dates that lasted the night.

This is such a lie you are saying man. Its some archaic wanna me spurned dude, borderline incel mindset drivel.

K. /10 char