<Chemical Imbalance> H LFM for 9.2 Thurs/Fri/Sat 9p EST

Happy Friday!

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I don’t want a large farva I want a LITER OF COLA

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I need frens

Recruitment info has been updated. Happy Monday!

Updated recruitment needs!

Friday Bumparoooo

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this thing on? hello?

-_- that question should be self-directed.

November is here! Bump :slight_smile:

It’s Wednesday my dudes

Everybody’s workin’ for the weekend.

Serious progression on Remnant last night!

Tomorrow is Wednesday, my dudes.

Happy Great Push WEEEKENEDDD

also bump hi

Hi let’s bump this up

Guys. It’s Saturday. So we got that going for us

Hi, hello! Happy 2022! We are still recruiting all able bodied weirdos for our 9.2 raid team as well as derping around until then. We ARE still raiding, so if wiping 100 times to Mythic Painsmith sounds fun, give us a shout!

Friday bump because…Friday :smiley:

We couldn’t doing any Mythic this weekend due to being roughly 5 players short. We did do an achievement run instead though! Please contact us if you’re interested in joining us Painsmith progression!

Hello Forum Friends!

We are looking for as many actual serious raiders as we can find. A solid core of us are previous CE raiders and would love to get back to that mindset with a like minded crew.
Hit us up for end of tier proggers and getting prepped for 9.2!