Cheetah mount

new mount for alliance - a cheetah


Is this a request or a thing we’re getting

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Best WoW can do is tigers/sabretooth, sorry lol.

At least TWW is giving us Lynx.


they have a lion for the alliance

Whoa those unicorns make us trolls look pretty.

There was a cheetah mount in the game for a while accidently given to a player by a GM. The forums got a-rage and they took it away

They should have just used the Courser model for the unicorns. They already are unicorns. Not a fan of those new ones.

those Lynx are pretty nice looking mounts.


Couldn’t you just mount a druid?


They won’t stay in stag form and keep their head in the hole in my wall.

could you imagine a big ole Moonkin riding on the back of a tiny cheetah :upside_down_face:



I believe that, while the message reads as a declarative statement, it is interrogative in nature.

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Blizz: Ok guys, we’re up for new mounts so what do you want?
Alliance player: More cats and/or horses please!


What do I have to do, to get that cloud gryphon?

I’d rather a jaguar. Cheetahs are cute, but they’re just little cats at the big cat table.

I’m not sure it’s the cloud gryphon - but there’s a mount available seems to have the same mechanism to get as the shielded mount in MoP. You need 10 epic parts to drop and they can be combined into an item to break the shield - and then if it’s like MoP you have to fight the now unshielded mount and it drops the mount.

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Cool. Finally a unicorn. Better be a real one. Not one with a super funky horn that makes into something that is not actually a unicorn.

Mounting a cheetah sounds like a " hold my beer and watch this’ sort of a thing. I should think other than the obvious dangers in doing this, their framework is a bit frail for riders to sit on? That being said, secret of the game GASP, there is an Night elf on a fallen rock in Winterspring that rewards a blue cheetah mount like the ones in Teladrassil.
and NOBODY (caps even ) goes to Winterspring anymore.
To be specific, I think it was a rare drop, for the quest , for killing frostsabres back in classic times

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If you play a druid you can be a cheetah. Compromise?