Cheetah mount

Why are there so many threads that are like –

  • “We need {Insert cool race / mount / pet / city} for the Alliance!” — Instead of just both factions in general?
  • or at best, I tend to see: “Lets give the Alliance {Really super cool thing} and the Horde can have Ogres and sentient garbage.” – kind of ordeal …

:face_exhaling: This is why I’m on board with just making new races & cities just flat-out neutral from here on out.

I think that they nailed the cat mount animations from the very start when you could buy your first for 50g in Darnassus.

Imagine my shock when questing through Pandaria the first time and the panda quest leaders who said, “follow me” were all on cat mounts! I was thinking, where are the turtles, dude?

Cheetahs are actually more closely related to housecats than big cats like lions, tigers, and leopards. Lions, tigers, and leopards are in a completely different subfamily (pantherinae). Cheetahs are in felinae (the same subfamily as housecats, ocelots, lynxes, caracals, and cougars). Because of this, they cannot roar like the big cats, instead they meow, purr, and trill like housecats.

I think people just like to chat about something on forums, Its not like we discuss world hunger or big issues here, so what’s the harm in discussing why I can’t find non-puffy black boots to match one of my mogs… or whatever.

Perhaps these forums are helping to win the battle against loneliness.

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I adore the cloud griffons

You and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals, so let’s do it like they do on the discovery channel. (or if you remember Nyhm) like the druids in the general channel.

I’d be impressed if the cheetah mount could actually run a little faster than other mounts.

As if the Alliance isn’t full of Cheetah’s already.

/The Entire half of the stadium crowd booes at Bari.


I meant moreso on the lines of presenting something grand for the Alliance only, or having a trade off where the Alliance get something fantastic and the Horde get something basic or mundanely terrible in return.

Na, this is the mount my hunters want for that Australian-themed expansion we ae due Any Day Now…

The awesome Tasmanian Devil.



Totally worth it, if it’s the cloud gryphon.

I’m shocked pokemon never went to Australia. They’ve gone to New York (black and white) and Hawaii (Sun and moon) but not Australia, even though it would be a free pass to make even crazier creatures than they ever have.

you can mount the stag but not the cheetah

Cheetah is a travel form of druids who are using glyph of the cheetah. Small races should be able to ride a druid using that travel form.

what if the druid rolls over during the ride