did he just call me a casual?
oh, hold my tide pod, son, it’s about to go down. Do you wanna duel, bro? i snap you in half like a carrot.
did he just call me a casual?
oh, hold my tide pod, son, it’s about to go down. Do you wanna duel, bro? i snap you in half like a carrot.
Some of us almost fully geared and parse gray/green on some fights as a healer because no one stands in fire and dps is pumping.
If people are looking at healer logs and thinking “Wow, this guy is parsing green/gray, they must be trash”, they need to re-evaluate a lot of things. Healer parses are the biggest meme to ever come out of parse culture.
If your raid does things properly, you don’t parse. Period. Lmao.
if you want to evaluate a healer, look at his percent overhealing.
over 10% = weak quality healer.
Sometimes parsing as a healer is annoying need raid damage and the other healer to be weak.
This is basically like saying “I’m a frost mage, please take me to raid”
Ranged Hunters before this upcoming patch are the lowest DPS spec other than frost mages. They are down there with the tanks and Healing mages.
It is no wonder no one wants to take them. People want Melee hunters because they are great DPS, but if you are like “please let me raid I am great DPS” and you are getting beat by warlock tanks and shaman tanks, why would they bring you?
I mean he literally formed the group right after dinging 40 on his alt. On top of it, he still tried to stick to the meta, asked for 6/6, and obviously refused a bunch of people because it wasn’t meta or he wanted less competition on gear.
I really have no interest in hearing streamers takes on these kinds of things when they get streamer privilege. Ziqo is a pvper. You are delusional if you think he actually wants to be in Gnomer for a couple of hours wiping on bosses.
not when you’re just reading into parses lol like the dolts that based a grey parse on baron not thinking that they could have been the target of his ability if they’re melee are getting completely screwed out of a run. I NEVER checked logs for BFD and cleared and got all the epics available on my alts well minus hunter but completely bis’d out. Ignored the “checking logs” chuds
The irony is that logically speaking the only people that would be against logs would be the under performers. Logs are like a resume in wow. If you are truly capable you wouldnt care (you already meet the requirements).
That’s what makes them is video great too is all these dudes check logs before they raid including Ziqo and pretty much ever other streamer.
Like he wasn’t able to down the last boss, its prolly why people are doing all this parse checking crap. bfd didn’t matter if u had grey parses that place was getting cleared
lol phase 1 is over, phase 2 is midway and people are still complaining about log checkers.
Huh? lol. Ummmm no.
ya-huh, actually. times infinity.
One hundred percent for healing raids
He’s a shaman they blast chain heal, and over heal insanely
You are not obligated to use it, just ignore it and move on.
Unless you WANT to join those groups, them you have to do better.
Personally I would rather have some kind of historic check than invite totally random players that could forfeit 9 others ppl trying to enjoy the content.
We are just making sure you are gonna contribute something. Too many people come in and basically AFK the entire place until its time to roll on loot.
I tried one of these last night and fights lasted twice as long as my guild raids in some cases and I gapped the other healer by up to 100% on some fights. Only really got by because you can carry in the healing role as long as you have blue stuff left in your bar and the skill gap is actually quite big in this role it seems.
I do not blame anyone for checking logs. The strats were dumb in the PUG I did, players were pretty awful, yada yada. I had fun because it was my first time healing the raid and doing it undergeared and with a bad co-healer made it tense and challenging for me, but for the typical player I would not recommend it.