i ran into a hunter yesterday at 2100 on my lock that was so crisp with his traps it almost felt impossible he was that good. but its also 2100. but he did have an 85% win rate. the second he was targeted my melee he landed a trap. just had to be there, was insane.
i always think that im not in high enough MMR lobbies to see them, but they have to climb somewhere. ive only seen one other and that was an ele sham last season. But it was obvious
This guy must be using cheat software. Or just an annoying contrarian. Don’t come here trying to gaslight people, there is plenty of evidence of the problem in just the picture I linked so move along troll.
Look at Supatease video on the DH bot. It’s not “something random” this problem is wide spread and you are just being a contrarian to annoy people. Go away.
Bots are such a waste of money. You don’t even improve at game and for all the risk you take might as well buy a carry they are cheaper.
Some of the more well known bots you pay like $25 a month per spec or they will offer bundles of multiple or all for like $100, then you gotta get that wrapping program for another prob $20-50 for quality + wow sub.
Glad carries in trade chat are 2 mil gold and thats less then risk and cost then a bot cheat program lol
imagine paying like $100+ a month to run a bot and not even play the game yourself lul
I almost typed, “what’s even the point of making this thread without a thumbnail of supatease showcasing his uncanny talent for not having to blink or venruki looking puzzled as though he’s a dog seeing an elevator for the first time?”
However, I’m glad to see that you included both!
Agreed and honestly insanely annoying.
Extremely unlikely. Don’t get me wrong, it definitely happens, and those players are almost always banned, but it still sucks when it happens in your lobby. That being said, I got called a “cyclone botter” in one of my shuffles and that I had an obvious “damage and healing hack” because i did the most damage every round and didn’t die. Cheating/botting is still very rare.
Just today an ele shaman bot was in the very first lobby. 1500 achi points. No pvp history. Just a sudden Legend Season 3 Dragonflight and NOTHING prior. What’s more likely? A heavily botted spec like ele is a bot, or a first time wow player did 0 to legend this season as ele? I do remember the name but i get silenced if I share it. And I only got unsilenced yesterday so I ain’t doing that again!
That someone is playing another account, has their account sharing disabled, or got banned and is playing on a new account because they were banned is probably the most likely.
Ele is definitely one of the more botted specs though, 100%.
And then bought another account to cheat on and hopefully get banned again.
This bot I mentioned was also in Neilyo’s stream recently and twitch chat was talking about it being sus that a fresh ele account was doing 150k dps and instant lightning lassoo eye beams.
Yeah, no, no worries. Im not trying to get you to violate TOS. Ele sham are for sure the ones to be most sus of. Sometimes DH as well, but that’s really easy to check.
Botters and cheaters DO get regularly banned, but in my experience the VAST majority of times someone says, “oh that’s a bot” its most often:
This might have been true in season 1. Definitely not anymore though. It has gotten progressively worse and I see it daily now, multiple times a day, and I’m 2683xp and know the difference between blatant cheating bots and good players.
The fact so many youtube videos and forum threads on the issue should tell you to stop downplaying the issue and start demanding blizzard fight the issue properly.
There is a big difference between reacting to a weakaura and cheat software.
Take my eyebeam for example: Does anyone even track eyebeam on a weakaura this season??? (doubt it) and if they do: Will most shaman save lightning lasso for eyebeam? (doubt it) and if they do: Will they use it the first frame of eyebeam animation, without ANY human reaction time? No they won’t.
Monk bots are programmed to Paralysis eyebeam instantly the same way ele sham lasso it. Monk bots also instantly RoP darkness and Dome (even when someone like mmarkers places dome in middle of nowhere to bait the monk bot to RoP an empty dome in middle of map). A good player will likely laugh at the dome and assume the camera clipped or something and not RoP an empty dome.