Well that’s a completely different example, isn’t that the one where they literally got it stuck running into a wall? There is no variables there, it’s pretty concrete.
Running around and screaming “bots” every time something weird happens is asinine though.
The guy who is known for paying for “elite” boosts isn’t really trying this…
Not all bots automate movement. A lot just automate damage and CC and let the player move. Harder to detect, looks more natural movement wise but generally more expensive to buy. I raged at a bot company and they laughed at me and told me these facts. (The company from bottom of my picture, go ahead, abuse them on their live chat, the dude is actually annoyingly chill and will likely laugh at/with you).
It probably becomes a bigger issue as more people talk about it. Like a person will see a DH bot be at 2500 on Supatease video and people will think that they can do it too and maybe get away with it.
That bot has been banned btw, I got a mail in game from Blizzard after reporting it. I know it was that bot that got banned because I haven’t reported anyone else besides that DH.
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Ya I’m not looking for a lesson, I’m just saying that screaming “bots” when something weird happens with out real evidence that it’s not just a coincidence, or you being outplayed is bad.
The venruki video going around is a great example of real evidence, he got the dh bot stuck running into a wall, and there is a post that was made last week showing the same thing that was also really good.
Screaming that everyone is cheating is asinine.
I actually think I saw WAY more bots s1. That being said, I played shuffle a lot more and s1 was more popular in general.
I’m not downplaying the issue. It’s real and those players should be banned. I also recognize that every time I’ve reported someone for botting I’ve gotten mail in 1-3 days that says action was taken against a player. I know that botting is REGULARLY punished when reported.
That being said, I’d say 99% of the time, when someone thinks someone is a bot, it’s not.
Here’s an example:
I regularly set DH as my focus and I bash or incap roar on eyebeam/essence break every single time. It’s super important to do. I actually think this isn’t a bot (unless I see it, because it totally COULD be) because DH is in every single game and it’s normal to stop it that way.
Also if the dh is casting eye beam without a stun and in range of ele sham knock they’re making a mistake.
Ya this is a dead giveaway. Another one are LOS issues like you can see with the supatease vod on BRH but can also replicate by hugging the corner of any pillar.
He really did have 0 kicks.
LOL I believe it. When I fought him playing dh/rogue he kept me alive by giving me 75% precog uptime. He also ruins my cyclone DRs in RBGs sometimes by 1/4th blinding 
And I’m sure that you dont actually think he was a bot, I bet you just had a frustrating lobby and wanted to vent.
I think people going “omg that guy is a bot” is the wow equivalent of a kindergartener saying “i hate you, we’re not friends anymore”.
They just wanna be mad, but they’ll get over it.
But to OPs point about seeing a fresh char at high rating in shuffle with no prior achieves, thats one guy of at least a dozen RBGers who have all had their main accounts banned for solo shuffle toxicity and just made another account and pushed 2.4. They’re not botting or cheating or w/e, they’re just toxic XD
No he was just an assa rogue who knows how to track stun drs. And no one in that shuffle knew how to stay apart to avoid him putting bleeds on everyone.
He did do something weird when I was casting hex. He immediately started slow walking towards me like a Terminator the moment I started casting.
This is unfortunately true at 2700 mmr rbgs also 
Despite what forum complainers may have you think, sin is not at all bad (but does get dookied on by demo lock and ret pally)
Sure, but you’re playing a squishy target close to melee range and casting a potentially game defining spell. It’d be no different if you were a moonkin or feral casting cyclone.
Tbh, even if he got off you to bleed a guy, you were probably always the kill target.
Idk the 4th dps in the lobby but it seems like it was hunter, assa, enh, which feels like a v winnable lobby for a rogue.
It’s just how moved towards me that was a bit sus. On top of being rival every season and playing relatively well. Not that playing assa is hard.
He did go on to tell me that he has all the people I look up to on his bnets flist tho cause he’s an RBGer xD
I don’t think many people think assa is bad.
Ya, but the guy gets hero of the horde every season with like a 90%+ winrate o.O
No one gets a 90% winrate at the top of whatever ladder bracket they’re in without being solid. There’s a reason Dno gets r1 in 3s whenever he Qs it.
He obviously knows what he’s doing, he just doesnt play arena often XD
There’s like a 300 comment thread about it. O.O
I do think deathmark shouldnt be dispellable tho.
He told me he’d help me get a rope during the shuffle. So that set me off. Funny how he post that pic after telling me that.
Ya i heard that you said some unkind things also, but I didnt see proof of either. That being said, there’s a reason he was banned for chat toxicity LOL.
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Bots are around? Yes
Rampant? No
Keep in mind a rank 1 streamer has said if you are jumping you are botting
Rhymes with Ben Kuki
Not related to arenas, but still cheating.
This character shows up every few months, I’m guessing fresh off of the previous ban…
Queues up for only flag maps and blatantly cheats to ruin the game for other players.
They fly
They wall hack
They teleport
They teleport off the map, grip you, teleport away, and leave you stuck.
I see this player often enough that I know the name and know I’m going to be annoyed every time I see it. I have seen this player in my BGs since I started playing again in SL S1.
Every player in the BG ends up reporting them (both teams), but he remains in the game. I saw them in a twin peaks last night doing the same crap.
This is an easy fire and forget permaban of an account that has been exploiting for years, but they are still here.
Not to mention, unless this is a GM trolling, the game is clearly exploitable if you can do this with normal character…
You should report these players, but that won’t get rid of them or the cheating.
They will be put on time-out, but they will be back.
The exploits that allow them to do this are still in the game.
I mean, supatease also accused magnusz of botting on DH because he glimpsed one clone and melded another.
Now I understand supatease’s frustration ofc, but that also does not make a player a bot 
lol. I once had someone tell me I’m botting cause I was jumping non stop when playing ele. Like I insta cast everything, of course I’m going to jump everywhere.
Once you’ve seen one botter, everyone starts to look like a bot.
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