Cheating/Exploits - manipulating code to achieve God Mode!

Numerous players encountered in WOW, with several openly stating they are actively using cheats!

Many are using a “no cooldown” cheat that allows endless use of consumables. Others have maxed out health points to a level nobody will ever overcome in-game! Latest addition is player has abilities that allow attacks while flying. Not the wing-clip, but actual targeting and attacking other players when both are flying.

Every game is open to cheats and call of duty by far the worst with aimbots. PVP and ranks within PVP to me mean nothing. I don’t pretend to b a great player, my hands won’t allow me that ability, but I’ve seen it all over the past 35 years, so don’t feed me a bunch of malarkey that it’s not happening here.

Code manipulation will always accur!


Pics or it didn’t happen.


If you really think that is happening in the official WoW servers feel free to drop an email to the Hacks team. That address is They don’t reply, but that gets it to the right team.

Reality though? Nobody can change the Blizzard server side code that controls cooldowns, char stats, etc. They most they can do is automate player side actions like skill inputs. They can’t change their player stats, change cooldowns, change boss or mob stats, etc.

The only place that can happen is illegal private servers. You would not be on one of those though, right?


brb buying stock in tinfoil


That would be a fun addition to the game if it was for real… :sunglasses:


Ah it’s good to know that you don’t get replies from that hack report email. I reported a major gamebreaking bug a month or so ago that could be easily done without any ‘tools’. I never got a response so I wasn’t sure if that email was even monitored or active.

I remember before wrath came out they said we would have mounted combat and this is what I envisioned.

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It matters not to me, but to all the future players that might think about PVP, or that want to play WOW and realize this game is hacked just like the rest of them.

Someone leaked the source code, and that’s why there’s rampant cheating now!

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Uh… what are you talking about? Who what and where was it said there aren’t exploits in game?

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I mean he isn’t wrong. Just a couple of days ago tow people discovered a bugg with the usage of critters that you could do damage enough to double raid bosses of current tier. But they submitted to blizzard to get it corrected.

If funny because that same bug was also allowing a .1 leech percent to heal for like 12k but it’s been fixed.

Granted this is a bugged mechanic but 6 months ago people were using conditional macros to overcome things they shouldn’t have been able to do.

And did they also find the magic key to give them access to the game coding on Blizzard’s servers?

I mean, I’m no techy but I figure that if core data is saved on the servers (not our computers) then you have to have access to the servers to change anything about how the game works. And if they did manage to do that, well…I can’t even get my mind past that.

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Yeah that is not even possible. Having the whole source code does nothing without access to the actual server side code to change it. They can’t get to the servers to change the server code. Not happening.

Again, you falling for a bad trolling joke, or are playing on private servers.

The MOST people can do is try to modify client (player) side files or automate things on the player side. That can happen, that is why botting is possible and why they run anti cheat software to catch them. Then they make new ones and the cycle continues. Forever.

They are NOT changing cooldowns, making chars godlike, or any other server side changes. They legit can’t replace the software on Blizzard’s servers.


Please, immediately do what Mirasol has posted:

You can also right click on there nameplate and report them too.


Just remove the private and keep them at illegal servers.

This is misinformation… its rare and it only happens occasionally but ive seen players get their characters under the ground in rated battlegrounds. Making them immune from damage and at times able to strike from the ground.

Its not common but telling people its never happening isn’t the way to go about it . You might stop valid reports.

Edit: I’ve never heard of things like stat hacks on live its almost always modifying how the client reads terrain.


That’s not running code on the servers, that’s finding input/actions that the code already running on the servers react to in unexpected ways.


That is not changing the server side code though. That is a terrain exploit. Yes it is cheating, but it is a player taking advantage of a game bug. Not a player changing code to cheat.

I never said people don’t cheat - but they are not changing the server side code to do it by removing cooldowns or changing char stats like the OP said.

Yeah that is what I was saying does not happen! We seem to agree :slight_smile: They can’t change the server side code. Only client side and of course take advantage of game bugs or glitches.


If someone actually had RCE on the servers, they would’t be using it to cheat in PvP.

Some much more nefarious things would be done.

Very true I butchered what I meant to say. I recommend people report anything unusual because players cant always piece together what is happening. Being killed from a enemy you can’t see under the ground if your not aware of what they are doing can appear as just taking damage from a unseen source.

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