Cheating/Exploits - manipulating code to achieve God Mode!

Like fixing all the in-game bugs?

Sorry, I couldn’t resist. :clown_face:

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When you see one individual being attacked by 8-10 characters in PVP, and survive, and killing the 8-10 characters on top of it well… Now that in itself could be realistic if everyone low geared but, to have complete immunity of every interrupt for the 5-7 minute battle, to heal oneself instantly without cooldowns, to interrupt every player attacking throughout the 5-7 minute battle incapacitating them. This individuals health never dropped below 50%.
WOW has no normal settings that would allow this to happen.

On top of it the player openly admits to cheating! Actually there are a large number of people that have openly admitted to cheating. Cheating is occurring in WOW has been for some time!

Exploits can come in all shapes and sizes. From God-mode, to individual settings like no-cooldowns, endless use of health potions or healing spells. There is no limit, it all depends on the person cheating!

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Sure they can’t change anything server side, but they absolutely can analyze the code to find specific bugs to take advantage of. Although I pity the poor soul who would even try to sift through that mess.

Plenty of people have already stated what is most likely happening and I’ll touch a little more about what Mirasol said in regards to the server-side code.

Assuming someone had the code and managed to backdoor into the servers, I highly doubt they would use it for PvP. Thats not just a simple ban. That’s a lawsuit.

I think you used to be able to. That’s why taking a flightpath removes a flag.

Yes that would be fun!

Think that should be in future builds.

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All that and I’m only on my first cup of coffee on this Saturday morning.

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The only thing I could think of while reading this bs was “many such cases!”. No proof, just throwing garbage to the wind.

“Many such cases!”

Depends on how much is checked server side.

For a long time WoW had position hacks and people could warp anywhere. At the time the client was allowed to say it was anywhere and the server never checked if it made sense. I suspect it still does with some limiting checks that cause things like insta DC’s on falls, or insta DC’s when going straight up after herbing. They probably had to loosen these checks up some with dragon riding and it’s much greater distance over time potential. But you still have to wiggle when leaving a building to update the server to cause it to update the client to let you mount, so I suspect the client still has quite a bit of autonomy.

Knowing the server side code would be a huge coop. While you can’t change it, it would allow people to know exactly how far they could push client side hacks and how much they can “trick” and manipulate the server.

Someone seems to be very salty he lost a PvP battle.
As long as the players health is lower than 100% I’d guess he’s just better than you.

All the naysayers.
Prove me wrong then! Why would anyone continuously denounce anything nefarious is happening! Almost Every game is hacked and it starts from within! A rogue programmer/builder a disgruntled employee. Who knows what happened maybe someone stole intellectual property(It happens everyday in the gaming world! look at COD. I played it since it’s inception, and many people said the same thing nobody’s cheating, BUNCH OF BS. AIMBOTS were prolific! Someone stole the source code in COD that’s a fact. That’s not the same here in wow with aimbots though. Our world is full of people and groups that do just this, because they have nothing better to do.
When you have a toon that seamlessly heals him or herself every 2 seconds or less, and never get’s interrupted fighting multiple toons. This was approx. 8 against 1 all over a stupid War Chest.(5-7mins) Once you initiate a healing potion a cooldown is initiated for all (the same for individual spells). Under normal conditions who gets zero interrupts from multiple people. Who can heal him or herself over and over every 2 seconds without interruption. There were no other players assisting!

As far as PVP is concerned I only play it to get better gear, I could care less about rank( I have none), because it means nothing to me.

What I’m unhappy about is these players vocally admit they are cheating, and are still here today.

I sell corks that you can hang from your tinfoil hat! They keep mosquitoes away

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they fixed stuff like that a while ago remember a group of players removed some of the map from the aq raid ill find a video about this it was a guild from vanilla

The appropriate contact point to report potential exploits/cheats has been provided and I don’t think we’re getting anything productive here so I’m going to close this one up.