Chatty Guild Seeks Kind and Humorous Members

Whilst Vegemite on toast is king… You gotta try vegemite scrolls!

Vegemite and cheese shapes is the only way I’ll touch vegemite! And don’t listen to that Inca fellow - I have never once had anyone try to remove my vital organs to sell.

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Joined this guild a week or so ago, leaving my old main behind in Gundrak. Totally worth it, the most friendly peeps in all the realms. Also, vegemite and marmite are great in porridge/congee.

Have just unlocked Dark Iron Dwarves. Like the sound of the guild and the Vegemite talk. Would love to join the guild on my new shaman :slightly_smiling_face:

Feel free to whisper someone online in the guild, pretty much everyone except for the band spankin’ newbies can send invites out! If not, touch base with us on Discord and I can get someone to send you an invite.

Vegemite, however, is unpleasant. I give it the benefit of the doubt every so often, try it, screw my face up and throw it away.

What are your opinions on cookies and their appropriate consistencies? And we also need to know your stance on fruit on pizza…

A very happy mothers day to all of those within the guild that are and also to anyone reading that is!

And for the rest of us? Hopefully some form of celebratory cake or food. Om nom nom.

Need healers

No Tam, the line is “Send more paramedics.”

Come join us and share all the locations serving democracy sausage and cake tomorrow!!

Pst!! Healers!!! We have cake…