Chat reports being abused

Blue text doesn’t mean it’s believable.


You don’t need a Blizzard employee to disprove this. You just need common sense.

Why would this system exist when the only time it’s apparently ever observed is when players conspire to falsely report other players. The system has never been shown to work on a bot despite thousands of people reporting bots every day. We have no anecdotal claims of someone witnessing a bot being automatically banned from their report. No videos, no streams, nothing.

If players could ban bots by simply getting together and reporting them, we’d have seen it by now. There would be Discord communities set up for this purpose. How many times have you heard players ask to be made volunteer GMs? They’d do it for free. Well, if an automatic banning system exists, that means we each have a percentage of a ban every time we report someone. The volunteer GM system would already exist, except there’s millions of us.

Streamers would be making content out of banning bot trains. Stockades Mage bots in P2 of SoD? You bet there would have been streamers getting their fanboys out there to ban them. Never happens, only ever happens to innocent players. Yep, totally believable. No one has ever tried to mass report a bot in a decade.

Players, even groups of players, cannot ban each other. We’d have competing bots going out and you’d see bot report wars. There would be dozens of them reporting each other and you’d be seeing them disappear right in front of you.


Unlike blues, that’s actually believable.

there’s actual video of it happening in real time. there are several posts on reddit from my server alone after wpvp events that I took part in. it’s fact. blizzard doesn’t admit it because what company wants to admit that they automate something that severely impacts a customer’s ability to use their product? the report system is automated. for a bot to be banned, like you are trying to say, we’d need a GROUP of people reporting the bot at the same time. I get that might be hard for you to understand because you’re probably on a pve server, or a pvp server that has no pvp, like benediction. On grobbulus it’s rampant.


No, nothing like this exists I’m afraid.

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No it isn’t.

No there isn’t.

They admit there’s an automated chat mute from player reports all the time. They don’t admit there’s an automated banning system from player reports because there isn’t.


I really like Delimicus’ points, very good. There is simply no reliable evidence for the conspiracy theory of mass reports. The videos do not provide any (though the streamers manage to make real gold off the emotions). I bring up the Blues because some of them in Customer Support have been at it for decades and they have never been caught in a lie. If they cannot discuss something, they say that. If the company made a mistake they say that. They do not discuss punishment or methods because there is a massive industry of cheaters out there who would like to know. They’ve stated that too.

None of this is hard to understand in the real world. Your phone does not operate by fairy dust, the world is not flat, and no, mass reports are just not a thing and have not been for the last 20 years. If any reliable evidence ever pops up re: the ‘magic’ of cell phones, I’ll amend this. But the world is ball, it just is…who knows what the future brings, but I doubt any of the moderation in Blizz for dumb chat and cheating changes much. But who knows? It is what it is now and has been for decades.

Stop saying dumb things in chat, choosing dumb names and cheating and you will not have a problem. Most grown ups manage this with ease.


Yeah, people always claim that streamers have proven that bans are automated and at the same time all those streamers complain endlessly about bots and how Blizzard doesn’t do anything.

Why hasn’t a single large streamer proven the “automated” ban exists by getting their viewers to report bots? Because that would actually prove it doesn’t exist and they would lose some video clicks.

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it’s real, it happens all the time. leave your bubble servers and see what it’s like on a toxic pvp server where two pvp guilds mass report each other regularly.


No, it doesn’t happen. This falls under the same category as the lochness monster, big foot, and ghost hunting.

They are just little stories people like to tell with no basis in reality.



We’re at the stage now where I’m going to just tell you no every time you post nonsense.

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Did you even bother reading the blue post from Vrakthris posted by Delimicus above? Vrak has been a GM for many years. I would consider him the ultimate authority on the subject. You are wrong. Let it go.


This is the most intriguing circular conversation I’ve ever seen.

Doesn’t make it any less hilarious to read.

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Vrakthris isn’t a GM, he’s CS.

No, I am not specifically a Game Master . . .


This is one of the best ways I’ve ever heard it put and I’m using this Lorethon! Bravo!

These are my favorite posts of all. I check out CS once a day and then break out the :popcorn: when the sob story comes out that I help orphans and widows, old ladies across the street, I’ve never said or done anything wrong, people just don’t like me and Blizzard’s AI banned me. Then the real details start to leak out from the OP and then CS is like - oh this is not your first time being suspended, etc etc etc. It is like a text based version of Judge Judy Show. :slight_smile:

100% this. Anyone who does not believe it, ask in the CS forums.


wrong it was shown it was a squelch, not a ban. Stop pushing false narratives.

Ask in the CS forum and post the link here. We’d all love to see the answer.

Correct and not correct. Mass reports can lead to an automatic squelch for 1 day. During that 1 day, a GM will review to see if the squelch was warranted and if so, 2 weeks is applied. Each report gets reviewed. There is no automatic penalty except for the initial squelch. The more reports that are true, the harsher the penalty. An actual person has to ban/suspend you, no bot no AI. This is just made-up nonsense because someone is mad at Blizzard for their own actions. You also get warnings before it happens, and the penalties never go away they just keep building until they nuke your account – oh and they consider actions across all Blizzard IPs not just wow when dishing out your punishment.

You got a forum response not an automated response. Big difference. One fits your narrative the other does not, I get it.

More fake news


Fixed it for you:

Blue text doesn’t mean I believe it because it does not fit the narrative I want to push.

more fake news

If it is full of lairs and fake news people like you, I’ll just stay on my bubble server thanks.


Actually, if the character has already had a naming violation in the past, player reports can 100% 3 day ban them if given enough. I was on a raid in sunwell once and a guy named “milkenema” was going on about how he was surprised his name wasn’t reported and banned like it had been in the past, not 10 seconds later enough raiders reported him that his character name turned to random letters/numbers as he was auto logged out with a required name change and 3 day ban.

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Ok so are you held up on the language being used?

So the automated system bans the players which is triggered by player mass reporting.

Does that help? So yes you are right the Automated system is doing the banning but the players mass reporting is causing it. I think now we are on the same page.

It’s been proven that mass reporting causing a Ban (thats why people do it). What should happen is the players falsely repoting someone to get them banned should also be banned for abusing the automated system. It’s the only way this will stop.

This is just what is happening and they should fix it.



Players cannot ban other players.

There’s nothing to stop because your made up fantasy doesn’t exist.

Yes through the automated system. I’ve seen it happen in game and it happens to streamers all the time.

If you ignore reality that’s on you. However this actual problem does in fact need to be resolved. You can try to gaslight people all you want but we have actually seen Mass reporting ban players.

I’ve had my guild leader banned in a PvP event because the other team mass reported him in chat to get him banned. It obviously eventually got overturned but it still happens the mass reports “Trigger” an automated ban. That’s why people do it as a form of griefing. It works. You are probably one of those people and that’s the only reason you are defending it.

Payo just had both his accounts banned because he was mass reported. People keep doing this because it works. The only fix is to start banning these people falsely reporting players to get them banned.

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I’m not responding to your conspiracy theories and false delusions with anything but this from now on:

Players cannot ban other players.

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