Chat reports being abused

Are you mad that I called out your lies?

Go for it, you’ll see absolutely nothing happen except you may succeed in hidng my post. Players can’t ban each other in game or on the forums.


Haven’t there been cases of people interfering with bots farming and getting mass reported (by bots) as retaliation?


Getting mass reported? Maybe. Being automatically banned from those reports? No.

Players would be creating Discord communities and streamers would be making content out of banning bots if player reports could automatically ban. There’s zero videos of this happening, because it can’t happen. All those posts and complaints about bots taking over the world and no one ever thought to get a group together to ban them? Make some cool videos?



Yes. That is what we’re talking about.

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I remember people talking about the concept, but not anyone who specifically said it happened to them. So I’m making no assumptions or statements here. Consider my input anecdotal

People keep claiming it’s possible but it’s just not. Blizz themselves has to constantly correct it in their Customer Service section on the forum which I imagine must get tiring.

Closest people could do via mass report is a temporary chat lockout until a human reviewed the case, or for the forums, causing the post to get marked and require a click to view it’s contents.

If it really were that simple, people would use it to mess with streamers and other popular faces like the people that do the eSports events nonstop. Or even smaller scale like rival guilds on the server.

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yeah because I will come to this forum just to lie. I feel like you are intentionally misreading what we’re saying. Bans happen based on the number of reports. Go to grobbulus and ask people if they have been banned by mass reporting. You will find DOZENS from the toxic pvp back and forth between two guilds. It happens daily. It happens after every wpvp event. wake up, none of us have any reason to come here and just make stuff up. Banning is automated based on the number of reports. No one at blizzard checks the validity. This is FACT and it’s been happening since wotlk launched.

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You did.

I’m not.

I’m not going to become a conspiracy theorist, sorry.

People lie all the time for no good reason. You’re doing it right now, no idea why.

These ludicrous claims are not facts. Players cannot ban other players and any reasonable person could spend 10 seconds analyzing their thoughts and come to that conclusion.

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Oh no! My post was “mass reported” and I’ve suffered an automatic…

Hidden post.


Mass reports can lead to a squelch, than after the second time itll lead to a suspension even if you did nothing wrong, i was suspended for a week a few months ago on SoD because i played a priest in wsg in phase 1…now i just dont communicate in game as anything at all can be report for any reason, im sorry you think players cant abuse this but they can


The second time it happens you will be squelched again. The suspension comes when a GM reviews the reports and chat logs and decides to suspend you or not.

The squelch is a temporary chat mute that can happen over and over again. Blizzard used to apply silences that doubled in duration but after the first one now they just start suspending you.

This is how it works.

Players can abuse the squelch (temporary chat mute.) Players cannot ban or suspend other players. Those trolls I was arguing with earlier tried this on the forums too:

My post was hidden and about 30 minutes later restored by staff. Zero punishment because players can’t suspend or ban each other on the forums either.


you’re intentionally pretending to not understand what we’re saying, so I am going to stop replying to you.

mass reporting is real, banning is automated and there is zero customer support for people who have been mass reported and wrongfully banned.

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I did that when I got a questionable silence on my account in SoD. I got no explanation whatsoever, only a copy pasted automated reply linking me to the terms of service and saying nothing else.

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All of this is lies.

Good. It’s not my goal to argue with liars on the forums. My goal is simply to correct your disinformation and move on.


The mass report conspiracy is flat earth my man Abombshield.

Blues have been over this repeatedly, in just about everyway possible.

Head on over to Customer Support and ask away. Ask nice enough and a Blue may appear and set ya straight. But before they do, others will probably link to an endless stream of Blues telling it how it is.

Also, templated responses are not AI. Just to head off that one…


Players can’t suspend or ban each other. Multiboxers don’t have GM banning powers. It’s weird that you believe they do.


you’re just a troll. saying this over and over again doesn’t change the fact that if MANY people report ONE person at the SAME time that person will be banned. it’s happening every day. It’s been happening all expansion. The ban process is automated, no living person looks at it and customer support does not care.


This is a lie. Players cannot ban other players, it truly doesn’t matter how many times you say it.

Players. Can. Not. Ban. Other. Players.


Blue text doesn’t mean it’s believable.


You don’t need a Blizzard employee to disprove this. You just need common sense.

Why would this system exist when the only time it’s apparently ever observed is when players conspire to falsely report other players. The system has never been shown to work on a bot despite thousands of people reporting bots every day. We have no anecdotal claims of someone witnessing a bot being automatically banned from their report. No videos, no streams, nothing.

If players could ban bots by simply getting together and reporting them, we’d have seen it by now. There would be Discord communities set up for this purpose. How many times have you heard players ask to be made volunteer GMs? They’d do it for free. Well, if an automatic banning system exists, that means we each have a percentage of a ban every time we report someone. The volunteer GM system would already exist, except there’s millions of us.

Streamers would be making content out of banning bot trains. Stockades Mage bots in P2 of SoD? You bet there would have been streamers getting their fanboys out there to ban them. Never happens, only ever happens to innocent players. Yep, totally believable. No one has ever tried to mass report a bot in a decade.

Players, even groups of players, cannot ban each other. We’d have competing bots going out and you’d see bot report wars. There would be dozens of them reporting each other and you’d be seeing them disappear right in front of you.