As Jeysca pointed out - that while I laid out the case of things ever evolving, the likelihood someone gets nailed for something that took a sharp right turn into inappropriate is fairly low. Starting out with something questionable though, people are a lot less tolerant of puns, names toeing the line or just “clever” play on words or spellings to get around what filters may be in place these days then they were in the past. And Blizzard is finally coming down on these reports. Also, tacking this here just so no one thinks I’m blowing smoke out of my rear for my post above.
As to what may have been the meaning behind the name? Perhaps one of our SFAs will poke their head in this thread in the morning to perhaps enlighten you, and hopefully have an update for the OP about the disabled chat issue. I’d advise against posting the name here - just to avoid you potentially getting nailed for posting something against the CoC.
Regardless, I do wish you luck in your appeal(s) and in the game going forward from here.