Anyway, I still believe this is a wrongful suspension anyone that’s played on nightfall probably wouldn’t have such a strange take on chat.
7 day chat ban for that? Seems very harsh, oh well.
Thanks again.
They originally tried shorter penalties.
Those were found to be ineffective at deterring the behavior.
A 7 day silence is the minimum usually. We’ve had various penalty durations and types over the years, this is the one that is currently the one used for most first offenses for social violations.
From there is moves to suspensions, and then increasing durations. Definitely not the Support departments favorite duty, but it is unfortunately a necessary one.
Beyond sticking to the right channel, I would recommend spreading out your message a bit. You often leave a few minutes between messages but there are several times in the brief look I took where it is within a minute. I know it might not always seem like it, but that can get a bit spammy.
Good luck!
Blizzard was very explicit that things like boosts on the fresh servers should only be advertised in the services channel and that advertising in other channels could result in a suspension. There are a lot of people that will report you, going forward in addition to slowing down your advertisements, you will want to quit advertising in channels outside of services.
Your belief that the suspension is wrongful and that you can break the rules, is incorrect. While they might lift the suspension this time, be careful going forward with how you advertise.
I feel like a seven-day chat suspension for a first offense with no warning is way too harsh, especially for something as normal as using general chat in Scarlet Monastery to find or fill a group, advertise a boost, or just organize a regular run. That is literally the only thing people use dungeon general chat for, yet all of that somehow goes against this inane rule.
If this is being enforced that strictly, then what is stopping someone from just sitting in the dungeon all day, reporting people for doing something totally normal? That kinda seems like it could be abused. And if the moderation is automated and just based on mass reports instead of actual context, that is even worse.
I get that spam needs to be managed, but handing out a full week suspension right away instead of just giving a warning or a short mute seems really unfair. If this is actually the policy, I really think it needs to be reconsidered so people are not getting punished for just playing the game. It is a terrible idea to have a system that actively incentivizes abuse. Struggling to fill your group in a dungeon? Just report everyone else advertising in general chat. Problem solved!
At this point, it is beyond clear that the game and those running it do not actually care about real problems. Instead, they have designed systems that any nefarious group of players can coordinate to abuse, ensuring they have as little competition as possible, making RMT even easier. Great job punishing real players instead of addressing the actual issues. Suddenly, my lack of desire to play this game has resurfaced.
That’s fine, but Customer Support doesn’t create policy, we just enforce it. If you would like to provide feedback about how violations of our policy are handled you are welcome to submit feedback.
I’d recommend using the in-game option, threads on the forums tend to get out of hand fairly fast.
It would be fine if you were looking for additional folks to do a run, or form one. That isn’t what this is about. This is specifically about someone advertising boosts in channels that they should not be, which we have specific policies on. So no, that isn’t “normal use”.
Not really, not if they are advertising a boost within the proper channel. Something like that would be permitted.
It isn’t based on “mass reports” that was talked about earlier in the thread. Regardless of if the behavior is reported by a few or many, those reports still have to be verified before any action is taken.
Again, that isn’t at all what the penalty was about. You are conflating activities that are perfectly fine with advertisement that has specifically been prohibited outside of the channel that it was intended for.
Hopefully, if you review the facts of the situation and don’t react to the many erroneous assumptions that you seem to be making, perhaps by not reading everything that was stated by me previously, that might change.
I think it best to close this thread. Thanks, all.