"Chat and mail privileges are suspended"

guild chat or discord IS the only place to talk, LOL social interaction amirite

I definitely think it happens, but to be fair, I think it’s probably very rare for innocent people to be report bombed.

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Well LFG is pretty much useless anyway just spam chat

Just the other day I saw people from my faction wanting to report bomb one of us because he was killing people in the HFP towers. People are getting more comfortable with this tactic.

Oh, I don’t doubt that one bit. Especially since there’s no video proof that your account can be locked automatically in spite of Blizzard’s claims that actions aren’t ever taken against the account automatically.

I just think that it’s still probably relatively rare. Not nearly rare enough, but probably rare enough that it isn’t something that the average player will ever experience.

As you can see by threads like these, they are the only place to talk if you don’t want to catch a mute.

There was also the mass AV AFK false positive bans debacle.

That would not work in their favor because “trading” towers is considered cheating by Blizzard.

Old Blizz would be banning every single person involved in trading towers.

It would work because it’s automated, that’s the point.

Yeah, but I think that’s an area where it’s probably a lot more common, and understandably so. People are really salty in BGs a lot of the time, and when you see people on the scoreboard with 0 damage, 0 healing, and you can see them sitting in one spot on the map? Not saying that it’s right or wrong, but it makes perfect sense that those people have a lot of eyes on them and attract a lot of negative attention. It’s no surprise to me that bans are common in BGs.

Wait? this is true?
It can’t be.

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