"Chat and mail privileges are suspended"

I appealed except apparently the average response time is 8 days at the moment. It’s not even possible to use the LFG tool. How can I find a group for Brewfest? I hope this isn’t intended. Also still no fix for people taking PVP queues during combat.


“yOu mUsT hAvE dEsErVeD iT”

“i hAvE a fEeLiNg tHeRe’S mOrE tO tHe sToRy”

“dOn’T bReAk tHe rUleZ doN’t gEt pUnIsHed”


Imagine getting an automated mute and the ticket time is longer then the duration of the mute


same with ban appeals

I heard some people got silenced by trying to start conversations in dungeons, if its true no wonder social interaction are dead.


Sounds like Blizzard should have thought about how the consequences of observing the social contract and their pillars would play out. The customer service inaction is harmful.


Blizzard: We’re removing LFD to preserve socialization in the game.
Same Blizzard: We’re muting you so you can’t use the chat.
What’s despicable is that when they do things like this, they don’t inform anyone else. So now everyone will just think you’re ignoring them or are some kind of bot.

“Meanwhile, Drain:”
-Meanwhile Confidenceyo copy/pastes a post right below itself, totally pointless!


Meanwhile, Drain:
Blizzard: We’re removing LFD to preserve socialization in the game.
Same Blizzard: We’re muting you so you can’t use the chat.
What’s despicable is that when they do things like this, they don’t inform anyone else. So now everyone will just think you’re ignoring them or are some kind of bot.


Blizzard always with the customer satisfaction


Personally I don’t raid much, but I can see where yapping away about nothing mid-dungeon isn’t appropriate. Bans are a bit over the top, but so are certain people, eh? Just how many complaints did this person get before Blizz had to intervene? And the same should be asked of the OP. :wink:

“iTs BeCaUsE tHeY’Re SwAMpEd RiGhT nOw”

Really though, my GM just got off of a 1 week ban. His ban appeal wait time was 9 days. They didn’t respond to his ticket until AFTER his ban had already expired.


Armageddon is probably the same person reporting people trying to talk in a dungeon lol.


If you don’t like it, you can ask them to stop or simply leave the dungeon, not report the person to the authorities to get them punished

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What was their response? Upholding the ban or reversing it?

Man, you guys remember back in the day when Blizzard took action against someone’s account it was because they actually did something wrong?

Like, obviously we can’t say for sure that the OP actually did anything wrong or not, but the volume of “I’m banned from xyz and I have no idea why” posts is significantly increased, inversely proportional to the amount of actual human GMs in-game.

I have very little trust in Blizzard’s automated systems at this point. If the tech isn’t there, no problem, issue warnings instead of bans. The appeal process taking longer than the actual ban means the damage is done and players have no useful avenue available to them :frowning:


They upheld the ban.

He said the word “S*it” in a global channel, and that’s against TOS. Since it’s against TOS, they felt the ban was valid. Just funny that they don’t have enough manpower to look at a ban-appeal before it naturally expires.


At that point, they HAVE to uphold bans. What are they gonna do, say “oh no we made a mistake” after your ban has already run out? That’s just opening the doors to bad PR + a lawsuit

Agree. Empowering players to abuse an automated banning system was a terrible choice.


There’s a youtube streamer that got his subs to test this out. The ‘muting’ and kicking you out of the game is automated. The ‘banning’ is supposedly human-reviewed, but it wouldn’t shock me if some words (curse words) have some automation also.

Terrible system imo.