"Chat and mail privileges are suspended"

“How do you do fellow WoW players? How does this boss fight go again?”

Other group member: "How dare you speak in this dungeon, knave! You are hereby, reported!

Newbie gets silenced for 7 days.

Sounds about right to me.


Stop, lol this is what I say sometimes. But seriously though, sometimes they aren’t innocent. It really depends.

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Wanna know what’s funnier? They’re also responding with something along the lines of “we’re too busy to help you with your issue,” for other game issues that aren’t EULA violations.

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I don’t find any of you guys’ scenarios funny at all. The current condition of these automated bans and tools that allow toxic groups of people to mute people are awful additions to the environment.


you can still talk in guild chat… stop being toxic

The irony is that they funnel everyone into LFG to find groups because “social interaction”, but this means that people using it for the intended purpose sometimes report people who are using it to talk, which is technically a perfectly acceptable reason to report and is actionable.

If we had dungeon finder and a global chat channel, both problems solved.

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Sure, sometimes they aren’t.

But the forums have this strange way of never recognizing those cases or even caring and just jumping to the “leaping suspicion” that there’s “more to the story” XD

Even the guilty will rationalize and think they were innocent or simply lie. But then there are plenty of innocents and grey-area people

You can join with real id or battlenet friends


If your in a group, the group can’t use lfg

Great, isn’t it?

I had to have friends make groups for me then invite me last since I was muted two weeks

“dOn’T dO tHe CrImE dOn’T dO tHe TiMe”

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Don’t ghoul av starting zones ?

I wish I got to do this

I had a group of 5 ghouls doing it.

Every game people malded, saying I should die irl and I’ll be perm banned.

Maybe next time, you will learn to speak with a tad more civility.

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The main thing I miss is a blue showing up in one of these threads and laying out exactly why and with the full context that’s always suspiciously missing.

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By a worker making minimum wage in a cubicle farm where he’s fired if he hit his “review X number of reports per hour or you’re automatically fired by another algorythm”, quota.

There’s a number of really common for corporation ways this whole process could be incredibly flawed… "ahh hell, I’m 10 behind my hourly quota*… *click uphold the next 10 bans regardless of the merits of the appeal. *Your ticket has still been technically reviewed by a human

Huh. Its weird.

Im not a toxic player, i dont cheat, i dont buy gold, i dont grief and im not a :poop::high_heel:.

And i never get these suspensions or bans. But somehow tons of other people that claim they ALSO dont do these things get suspended muted or banned.


Kinda odd that you left out what you got muted for. If you’re looking for sympathy, you could at least claim some amount of innocence.

Otherwise, working as intended.

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If u are being muted from using chat that means you broke the new code of conduct u know the thing u had to agree too before even logging into a character.

Just joining in on the an al game could get u reported and silenced. If it was because of trying to start a conversation in a dungeon well thats just petty people and another perfect example of the abuse rdf would get used for.

I agree that’s possible but the whole system should be reversed. No negative player action ‘until’ the review.

The only alternative would be extremely harsh penalties for abusing the system.

To be candid, I’d rather have trashy talk and freedom of expression in the game and allow people agency over who they ignore, vs systems that actually harm game play that can be abused by people like this.