Charge Stun DR Bug Unintended!

I wonder if the blizzard personnel working on the game realize how big of issues these are? They are probably coders who don’t play the actual game so don’t realize how game breaking some of these bugs are for PvP. They probably think they are just small issues.


more along the lines of thats how it is in legion/bfa thats how it should be in classic


Sorry to tell you but I dont think anyone is working on classic. They have a lot going on in BFA, blizzcon. The Classic crew is bare bones right now and they literally arent even looking at this stuff.

They pop over when there is a exploit and fix it and move back to bfa. We’re not getting stuff fixed till a month or 2 after 8.3 bugs calm down.

Hunter scatter/frozen has also been proven to not DR in vanilla, but here we are.


When is this getting fixed? Charge does NOT share DR with any other stun outside Intercept.


Just hoped into the TBC PTR and this bug is still here. So I guess it was live for all of Classic. Honestly this is one of the reasons I stopped playing Classic because they couldn’t get the old DR tables right. Pretty shocked.

Charge stun is still DRing my concussion blow and other player stuns. Yikes…

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I seriously don’t know how this could still be like this. I want to play TBC but I don’t know if they can get the combat mechanics right.

Here is another link and it’s the first thing listed for Warrior in Patch 4.0.6. Put in another bug report.

Hope they can fix it this time, seriously annoying to charge then have concussion blow go from 5 secs to 2.5 just because I used charge. Makes no sense.


Went on the PTR saw a new download was hoping that they fixed the bug of Charge DRing other stuns but nooooope. Sigh…

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Charge is not a CC, the stun is to make sure the one that use charge reach his target…1.5sec is barely enough time hence why it wasn’t on DR


Diminishing returns shouldnt be a thing in pve

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Well I’m not gonna argue that. However still want this fixed as Charge shouldn’t DR stuns in PvP or PvE. I mained Prot in PvP since TBC it’s what I love to play in WoW. So having this fixed for TBC would be pertinent.

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Exactly! Unfortunately this bug still exist and it’s super annoying while questing. Also in PvP DRing everyone else stun on your team because you need to charge in. It’s a big problem.

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So I really would love for them to get the DR table right. Please fix this bug so you can charge a target and not DR your or anyone else’s stuns. It’s super clear in the patch notes that charge stun was used to get on your target so it wasn’t considered a stun.

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Please Blizzard and wonderful Devs fix this Bug with charge stun DRing other stuns. TBC releases in 2 days and it’s a real pain for lvling and dungeons.

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Still in game and super annoying that this is live in TBC during leveling. I charge a mob then it puts concussion blow on DR and it shouldn’t. To have your big CD stun go from 5 secs to 2.5 secs due to a bug messes up set up and rotation.

Furthermore charging in dungeons and putting rogue stuns on early DR isn’t fun for the group. Then not to mention PvP where if you are lucky enough to get off a charge you are penalized with stuns being on DR for you and your team.

Please remove Charge stun off the DR table as it was in TBC till it got added in 4.0.6.



Still waiting for this bug to be fixed so the DR table is fixed.

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Just like to add that it really sucks when I go to charge a target that is on stun DR and they are immune to charge stun and I’m a mile away so there was no point in charging to begin with.

This is super game breaking for anyone playing with a warrior.

Blizzard you suck


Yes they do about to make a thread in the TBC forums like Arena starts today and stuff is super broken.

If a rogue kidney’s and you trinket I can just concussion blow for a full 5 sec stun. The DR tables are really messed up.

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Here is the new thread

I give up, unsubbed not playing anymore. Just was hoping we would have a fun TBC to play and it never really happened. Just riddled with bugs and gameplay not working right too changes that are catastrophic to TBC. Well enjoy TBC Classic Plus I guess, however most of us aren’t sticking around.

Just amazed at how badly they did with the release of TBC and how you literally can’t get them to fix the game.