Charax solves RDF/LFG debate

Cross-realm grouping is the problem, not the solution.

Better remove all pvp from the game then.

I would be happier if PVP was same-realm only, yes.

Sure you would. And when you’re waiting hours and hours to get into a bg because your server is faction imbalanced (like 99% of classic servers), you’ll be fine with that. And if you have to take a portal to Darnassus and a flight path to Ashenvale and ride to the WSG portal to queue…that’ll be fine to.

That would go over real well with the playerbase.


You can meet a lot of “friends” on tinder while you wait for LFG!

That is what I call multitasking.

It’s not a sockpuppet if I only post on this toon (which I have done on the Classic forums since Day 1). That’s like calling you a TBC sockpuppet. :wink:

Glad to see you support my idea. Cheers.


Somewhat related, I had a series of 10 posts hidden on this thread. I do know some people enjoy their sock puppets, though if they’re poorly disguised, it defeats the purpose of them if they get blocked.

I’m sure they wouldn’t need the help from someone like you lol.

Making the LFG tool include players from multiple realms would awesome for leveling and make finding dungeon groups much easier. We already do this with BG’s so why not the LFG tool?

Why start the thread in the first place?

Have you seen how many pro rdf threads get hidden? Proves the same, right?

This is actually the funniest thing about the most die hard RDF fans. Tbh the tool is mildly boring even on retail. Definitely a lot more fun and interaction to be hard without it.

Add it with no teleport except to VH or just add a stone to VH.


It might just be the constant bumping by the same group of people.

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