Charax solves RDF/LFG debate

First off, Merry X-Mas to the community! :santa:

Now, onto bizness. Our forums have had a lively but stale conversation around RDF and LFG. It’s become stale because each side is unwilling to compromise.

From what I am seeing and hearing from others, the main complaint is that it is difficult to form dungeon groups, especially for older content and/or from players from smaller populated realms.

How do we solve that? It has to be a x-realm solution. The ability to instantly teleport or have Blizzard auto-form your group is just a convenience not a necessity in getting dungeon groups going.

My proposal is to simply allow our LFG tool to support players from all realms. This broadens the pool of players that you can access if you’re trying to run dated content or you are stuck on a low population realm.

Here are some optional wrinkles to consider:

  1. To encourage same realm party members, Blizzard could offer an incentive (let’s call the bonus a Quatloo). For every party member that is from your realm, you get a 5 Quatloo bonus (a full party from the same realm would give you 20 Quatloos)
  1. Bonus Quatloos will be granted to members from lower population realms to aid fairness to the system (much more of a struggle to find members from the same realm)

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In order for this to work everything would have to be cross realm or the summon stone would need to be moved to inside of the instance. If zones aren’t cross realm then people from different servers wouldn’t be able to summon. Moving the stone inside the dungeon would solve this.

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2009 Blizzard, the actual Wrath devs, already solved the ‘debate’.


There was no debate between LFG and RFD in WotLK Classic back in 2009.


No x realm grouping, bad enough I have to group with other realms in bgs,

Couldn’t even afford to buy real ham?

Feeding us Spam on Christmas morning….


I agree. There is no debate. RDF is authentic Wrath and belongs in Wrath Classic.


No debate, RDF belongs in Wrath, these new devs are just idiots that don’t understand what made Wrath a good game. I wouldn’t hire any of them to make a sequel to bejeweled because i dont think they have the skills to do it.


Post hidden by the community already?

Merry x-mas, RDFers rofl. This just confirms there is no point discussing this further with you all.

we are not interested in compromising with filth, its a complete restoration or you can live with hundreds of threads a day.


Most of the RDF threads I just mute. 5 second inconvenience.

If someone just talks about RDF and nothing else, I just forum block them.

Spam all you want.


Hilarious, because that’s exactly Blizzard’s position on RDF. They settled it before WotLK launch and the absolute meltdown that has lasted months is absolutely amazing. Best part is, you still pay them to play. They have zero reason to add RDF when you will pay them regardless of whether or not they implement it.


Reminds me of little children. Don’t give me what i want? Fine i’ll just scream until i get it.
Still won’t budge? Fine here’s some more screams.


I don’t think the pro RDF side needs to compromise with anything, or rather should.

RDF was a Wrath feature. There should have never been a debate in the first place.

Otherwise, merry Christmas to you and everyone else.

It’s silly that your post was flagged but it will be restored.

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aren’t you one of the guys who follows my puppets and encourages mass reporting?

I am too lazy to search ya, but I am definitely enjoying the irony.

Thanks for the LULz bud.

“The lady doth protest too much me thinks.”

Hamlet? A discussion of its context deserves further attention. Perhaps you can explain this commonly used quotation and how it applies to the OP’s response.

Ah yes!

It is spoken by Queen Gertrude in response to the insincere overacting of a character in the play within a play created by Prince Hamlet to prove his uncle’s guilt in the murder of his father, the King of Denmark.

So you are saying that the post is an example of over acting. An accusation which one is guilty of themselves.

Tu quoque I know. But in this situation I found it most amusing.