Charax solves RDF/LFG debate

Are we “the play within the play”

To be, or not to be: that is the question

This above all: to thine own self be true,

And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.

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God hath given you one face, and you make yourself another.

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Upon us all, a little rain must fall

Or something, idk what we’re doing

Hamlet and forums go well together. Sorry, the OP brought the Shakespeare out in me.

This tis but a play

And we are but its actors

I hope The Ghost of RDF Future shoves many of you into a guh-nome-sized coffin.

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That is inspiring Jeddite. I will work on ‘Twas the Night Before RDF

Please do As You Like It

How do you think Classic came about in the first place ?

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Warms my heart to see another RDF spam thread flagged.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Twas the night before RDF
And all through the game
I looked at the LFG
And didnt see a name

I was level 33
And hoping to do Razerfen Kraul
But couldnt get a response in the chat channels
Even after trying them all

I came to the forums
To let out some rage
When I saw a tweet from Birmingham
That caused me to disengage

He said Blizzard has listened
And heard our feedback
And despite the anti rdf nonsense
A system is what he intends to bring back

I got on the next day
To a download I see
An extended maintenance is happening
What could this be?

After unexpected extended maintenance
I get on the game
And down near the pvp icon
It wasnt the same

I see a new option
A new feature for me and you
With the ability to xrealm
And the ability to queue

I clicked random dungeon
And after 15 minutes it popped
Got grouped together with others from different servers
And on the forums the RDF threads stopped


Copyright violation bud. Remember what happened to that Napster broad.

Charax “solves” the debate by copying what other people (like myself) said ages ago.

You’re not taking credit for this. I’ve said maybe 100 times that cross realm grouping should be put in for low level zones/dungeons, probably going back to before you even entered this forum with your retail sockpuppet.

In a forum war between a retail warrior and a classic warrior who wins?

In forumwarz cam (ladies of the night) are the tanks. White knights are their healers etc… not sure how that all plays out here.

My money is on the classic warrior cause they spit.

Some of us are only here for our friends, but my disdain for Blizzard is such that if i saw any of the devs in dire straights and in need of help I’d just drive right on by, I’ve lost 100% of my respect for them, their ability, and I deem them to be of zero value as humans. If forced to choose between saving a WoW dev or a Satanic cultist who does human sacrafice I’d take the cultist because they are more worth saving.


Maybe it is the context… but great post. I LULz’d so hard I think I need to change my underwear. +1

Satanic cults and human sacrifice… it really doesn’t get better than that.

Lol you take this game way too seriously. Please get help.

The only help I have to offer is maybe mentioning cannibalism, truffle butter, or some other form of human debauchery. But that doesn’t really have a Christmasy feel.