Characters in Guild Chat have wrong name/server

This is happening to me as well, occurring on my DK and showing it’s old name/realm. Can’t even see myself on the guild roster or manage the guild roster on that toon anymore…

What’s worse is when the character affected is the GM’s, you can’t promote, change settings, etc, because the character is wrong

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This is happening to at least one of my toons as well.

Would be cool if blizzard would at least acknowledge this is an issue. My characters wrong names keep changing too, to like 3 different names changing when I relog. I can’t be seen on the roster, cant be promoted in guild, nothing.

Just adding that I’m experiencing this too. Some of the guild-oddities we’re seeing are -

  1. Old characters showing up in guild (renamed characters from past server transfers, showing the wrong name, realm and character level)
    1a) Deleted characters showing up in the guild roster

  2. Offline/Online status on roster is incorrect. Names show up in full color (though for the wrong characters as above) and appear online but are not. Or characters ARE online but show as offline.

  3. Incorrect names for characters resulting in inability to use guild chat. Type a message and there’s just a “Sending…” which shows beneath the chat box and then a red error message of <Chat Failed!> appears.

This is happening in multiple guilds I’m in.

you cant invite the players affected by this to a group. Its going to make it so some people wont be able to raid tonight

No solution? No fix?

Ok so if anyone else is having trouble inviting players affected by this bug to a group, I have been told that inviting directly from bnet friends is a possible solution.

I cannot test this myself so I cannot say its 100% a solution to the group invite thing, but I hope it helps

Same problem here. Does not show my toon in the guild members online list but if you have all showing it will appear as online but waaay down the bottom and with my original server as a suffix. Only seems to be the toons that moved servers that are affected.

I’m so glad i found this thread, haha. I thought i was crazy. I changed my name last week, and it is correct and updated on the log-in screen, in raids, etc. But in the guildchat it still shows my old name. And - thusly - also shows me as “offline” because that character doesn’t exist, i guess, theoretically lol.

So, I made this character on Moon Guard originally but transferred to Wyrmrest Accord over two years ago at this point (sometime around the summer of 2020) – for some reason when I post in guild I don’t show up on the roster at all and posting in guild chat lists me as as still being on MG, but I am very much still on Wyrmrest Accord (don’t make me go back to MG, man).

Sometimes relogging fixes it but its not always a permanent solution.

Confirmed: you can invite them via the bnet friends list.

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Having the same issue, I race changed about a month ago and it’s showing my old name in guild.

Has there been any recognition of this issue by Blizzard? I am also having this problem and I cannot invite or promote people in my own guild :smiley:

Bump. Having this issue myself.

I am also having this issue. The majority of my characters are on Blades Edge, but the one I noticed has the issue is on Thrall and is the GM. Has anyone received any kind of notification/acknowledgement from Blizzard?

I’m having the same issue with 2 of my toons that were both on different oceanic servers but I moved them to Proudmoore a few years back now.
One of them is the guild master for my guild and I can’t do any guild related things hahaha
Here’s hoping we get a fix for this soon!

Mine went from Blackrock (US) to Barthilas (Oceanic), maybe that is the issue? That said, it is my alt that has the issue, this character (main) doesn’t.

Bump and hope blizzard cares enough to even acknowledge this after a week.

Same issue here

Same problems and you cannot demote or promote them is so frustrating when will it be fixed