I exited the game while flying (not my mount, from point to point), then when I logged back in I’m stuck in the air and cannot hearth, move, or do anything else. I tried the character unstuck service, but that just hangs (I’ve waited somewhere around 2-3 hours). I can’t find any way to submit a ticket. I’ve tried changing the name of the data and cache files. I’ve done a full uninstall/reinstall, and still my character is stuck. I’ve logged in and out countless times. I’ve tried to queue for Pvp and dungeons, but I don’t get a screen to accept. Please advise.
Saw a couple reports of that service having issues earlier, Fikabo.
Not a great number, but it was sent along to be looked into.
You should be able to submit a ticket. Make sure to note that self-service is down, and the specific character in question. A GM can move you. That’s the way it always used to work prior to self-help.
Hi @orylia, my character as well is fell through the world and I’ve been unable to access the character stuck self-service tool. And not only is self-service down but I’m unable to even create an issue by other means. I’m currently trying to submit a web ticket (the Support interface tries really hard to steer one towards the self-service tool) to report crashes but that too is failing. I cannot figure how to even request help at this time!
edit: Well, after the 5th attempt at trying to get help I think it may have been from including a screen shot in the form. I removed that and successfully filed US104054075.
Try here?
Also, there’s a reason the self-stuck tool is generally preferred to opening a ticket on the subject. People used to abuse stuck petitions to jump the queue for minor issues.
So I can’t play the game cause the support services are down. What an amazing news really.
Expected response time is 10+ hours right now, for a damn stuck character. What is this.
The time you see on the ticket is for the oldest ticket in queue, not the time for your specific ticket.
Stuck character tickets are prioritized to get your character back into the game as soon as possible.
Your other characters should indeed be accessible during this time, so you can indeed still play the game.
If you have another character, you can still play while waiting.
Confirming that the service is entirely not working. Tried it on two different browsers and on another character in-game. It’s an infinitely refreshing page. I submitted ticket US104058373 three hours ago, which I was only able to do by following a link in an older thread. The help menu seems specifically designed to prevent you from being able to open a ticket at all costs, so I have no idea how to even find that option short of lying and saying it’s a different issue.
Still waiting for a resolution. If stuck character tickets are prioritized, I feel really bad for the people waiting on other issues.
It shouldn’t take long for someone to help. But you do have to give it time. GM’s are humans after all, and they respond to thousands of tickets across all their games.
I have the same problem. Took a flight path and got disconnected in a zone transition. Whenever I try to log into that character it is falling under the world, and now it disconnects a second after I can see the character falling. I opened a ticket and they linked me to a useless troubleshooting page. I have tried some of the ways to fix it that the support pages suggest, but so far nothing of that has worked.
You’ll need to mention in the ticket that the self service is down, as quoted by Orlyia:
I did end up getting a response and my character was moved somewhere safe. Thanks GM Deofolrex!
I had this problem on Saturday. Gave up eventually and just hearthstoned out after waiting about 10 minutes. Something isn’t right with the service.
Glad you were able to get the help you needed.
I know they did some work on this, we also had restarts.
If you continue to run into this, please do let us know.