Unable to get the character unstuck page to load in-game and/or in Browsers. Yes, I cleared my in-game Cache. Yes, I did a full UI reset. Yes, I cleared my browser cookies. Yes, I tried a different browser. ALL avenues lead to a loading screen that goes nowhere.
It’s probably linked to the WoD Garrison issue and might be overloaded because of it, IDK. I’m not the only one experiencing this. Somebody else has too just wanted to get a head start and posting it in the Tech Support/Bug Forum.
From the CS forums:
EDIT: We can open up the in-game menu, click on “Support”, click on “Stuck Character Service”, hit “Continue”, and that’s when it sits at the loading portion that never ends. Same with the browser. We hit “Support”, “World of Warcraft”, “Stuck Character Service”, “Continue” and stuck loading.
Having the same issue, D/C’d heading over the loading zone from the Dornogol tunnel to the Ringing Deeps (why is this still happening). Character now d/cs whenever logged in after a few seconds, and char unstuck tool does not load on any browser or on ios.
Appreciate the help. I just want to know the appropriate place to bring awareness of this. I don’t actually need a character to be unstuck. I was just testing the issue out, for myself (and, it turns out to be true) and want to bring awareness about it to the appropriate channel.