Character transfer caged battle pet

Hi there, I am trying to transfer servers and I have this error and I’ve checked everywhere on this character and can’t find.

Appreciative of any support here. Thanks.

Make sure you check your bags and bank thoroughly as well as your mail.

The caged battle pets also refers to one you haven’t learned yet, so make sure you don’t have any unlearned pets as well as caged ones.


You appear to have two Gahz’rooki’s in your main backpack.

Gotcha, I took it literally as caged. Totally overlooked it. thanks

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I’m having the same issue and I can’t find what caged pet the game thinks I have cuz I check and I don’t have any in inventory or my bank or mailbox.

They don’t have to be caged. Any unlearned pets will also give this message.

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Yeah no luck on that end either cuz I just went in check no unlearned ones either so its blizz’s issue not mine.

If you let any decay in the mail from expired auctions, you’ll need to submit a ticket to retrieve them.

They are trying to transfer, not recover pets.

I even check item restoration to no luck either.

Right, but IIRC you can’t transfer if there are decayed pets in the mail. From what I understand Vrak and Orlyia saying in the past, anyway.

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um why is this a thing? why cant i transfer my char with with caged battle pets, never had a problem with it before?

Then you’ve never had caged battle pets when you’ve initiated the services in the recent past. It’s been a requirement for quite some time now.

I want to say two, maybe three years? Possibly longer than that.


As Ekon mentioned the restriction has been in place for a while now. To answer your question though, I believe the restriction was put in place in part due to exploitative abuse, usually with compromised accounts.